Yes, There Really is a Moist Towelette Museum Tucked Away at MSU

2022-08-19 19:19:40 By : Ms. Anne DAI

Someone, somewhere, right now is cringing at just the sound of the word moist. Although people joke about hating the word, one man has taken it and created a whole museum around it.

Believe it or not, tucked away in East Lansing on the Michigan State University campus is a museum solely dedicated to moist towelettes. Hidden away in the back office of the planetarium, John French has created one of the strangest, yet most fascinating, museums ever.

Known as the “Moist Towelette Museum”, the exhibit holds French's collection spanning some 30 years. Those who choose to stop by room 100 at the Abrams Planetarium on the campus of Michigan State University can view more than 1,000 moist towelettes in his collection hailing from all over the world.

French told the CBC in an interview that the whole thing started as just a joke. What started as just a small collection of moist towelettes jammed into a box in an office drawer grew into a fascination with the wide variety of the little wash clothes in a square. After noticing there were no collections of the towelettes online, he decided to start his own website.

"I said I'm going to be the first one to have moist towelettes on the internet," French, founder of the Moist Towelette Museum, told As It Happens host Carol Off.

Strangely enough, French found others interested in his collection.

"I noticed that visitors to the museum and planetarium were spending more time looking at the moist towelettes than they ever did at the Mars Rover exhibit we had," he said.

He notes that most of the towelettes he has collected have been given to him, and right now he is overloaded with sifting through the latest contributions. His wipes come from all over the world, for all uses, and from all years. French's oldest wipe is from a brand called "Wash up!" dated 1963, from wiping off radioactive contamination.

If you're looking to check out one of Michigan's most unique museums, you can stop by  Tuesday - Friday, 9:30 am until 4:30 pm.