Two years for breastfeeding? How will you keep women down on the farm?

2022-07-09 01:06:46 By : Ms. Olivia Zeng

The phrase, “kick ‘em while they’re down” springs to mind now that the American Academy of Pediatrics has announced breastfeeding moms need to keep it up for at least two years.

Ha! In just two short weeks, U.S. women of childbearing age have been downgraded to brood mares AND cows. One can only imagine what’s next on old McConnell’s farm. (Pssst. Don’t anybody tell the far right that older hens are famously done away with when they can’t lay eggs anymore.)

While I’ve got nothing against breastfeeding, I do think the AAP could’ve put a pin in it given the recent assault on women and their rights to their own bodies.

In other words, AAP, learn to read the room. Women need a minute to process the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade and here y’all come along saying: Once you have that baby be sure to nurse it for at least two years. And can somebody make me a sandwich?

To be fair, the AAP’s new advice (which adds one year to the previous 12-month recommendation to nurse) is swaddled, if you will, in supportive language. Doesn’t matter. When you tell women they should nurse for two years, it’s a baby step to imagine that means if you don’t, you are what medical experts commonly refer to alternately as a “crappy mom” or “triflin’ heifer.”

No, they don’t. That’s a joke. Don’t get your LaLeche’s in a wad.

Dr. Joan Meek, the lead author of the new recommendations, noted “We need societal changes that will help to support this such as paid leave, more support for breastfeeding in public and child care facilities with workplace support.”

I’m sorry. What I meant to say was HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Because Dr. Joan, well-meaning and brilliant, no doubt, knows that will never happen. There is a greater chance of Ted Cruz announcing his support for the term “chestfeeding,” because it’s more inclusive for gay and trans parents. In other words, lil mamas, you’re still going to have to nurse at the mall in the grungy converted mop closet behind the PacSun.

We talk a good game until somebody says, “Who’s gonna pay for it?”

For what it’s worth, the discussion has left me feeling remorseful for having snickered when, years ago, one of the playgroup moms announced in a solemn tone she had to stop nursing her son because he kept missing the school bus. It’s true; sometimes we women are our own worst enemies.

Breastfeeding has been in the news more lately because of the formula shortage. There has been a certain old fashioned news reel vibe to all the grainy pictures and video of gigantic planes arriving with formula from Switzerland and Australia.

I’m sure this has been incredibly stressful on moms who rely on formula and have already had to deal with the unending judgments from those who think they don’t love their babies all that much or they wouldn’t need food from a can.

How many times have we heard some perky version of “And breastfeeding is free!”

Not quite. Breastfeeding is far from free. In addition to the time and energy factor — huge as I recall, and I wasn’t even employed at the time — there’s the whole sitting at the kitchen table in the wee hours with your dinners effectively zip-tied into a tabletop milking machine. What? Just me?

While those who can’t or choose not to nurse are judged, nursing moms can’t win either. They don’t nurse long enough (6 months! Why did she even start it?) or they nurse too long (see school bus reference above.)

Of course, all that really matters is you get to feed your baby in the way that works best for both of you. And it’s nobody else’s dang business.

Celia Rivenbark is a NYT-bestselling author and columnist. Write her at
