Walt Disney World is reportedly considering changing their Park Pass reservation system to include secondary reservations for Park Hopping.
Under the current system, guests may make one Park Pass per day. After visiting the park they have a reservation for, they may Park Hop to any other park — depending on capacity and with a Park Hopper ticket — after 2:00 p.m.
Under the new system, guests would be able to make a Park Pass for a second park and Park Hop earlier in the day.
Disney may also introduce multiple Park Passes to only specific tiers of tickets or sell the option as an upgrade.
This has not been confirmed by Disney and is only being considered for now. Would you like to make multiple Walt Disney World Park Passes per day or does this sound too complicated? Let us know in the comments.
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No. Just no. Stop it, Disney. I will honestly cancel my next trip if this happens. The reservation system is irritating enough as it is. If it’s not going away, at least leave it alone…
Hey everyone I agree & I am a former Castmember and I have a much larger reason to say this even though I do not like it BUT I think it must be done and flood the internet with this. There must be a total BOYCOTT of Disney which would have everyone involved all the top leaders down the Board Of Directors & all of the Woke people anyone making changes that Walt, Roy and anyone else helping Walt creating Disney. If that happened then maybe people who were hired to take their places were people who Walt would be happy with. All we can do is pass the word & hope!
What in any way, shape, or form does this have to do with “woke”? You don’t make a very convincing argument here.
I’m a DVC owner at 3-resorts totaling 900 points, incred-a- Pass season pass holder, visiting 4 times a year or some 30 days or more annually and a major stockholder and a perfect Disney marathon runner for over 25 years so I drink all the kool-aid
The reservation system and fast pass or genie thing is needlessly over complex.
Something intended to manage visitors during COVID has infected all parts of the Disney operations from parks to the Wokeness in the movies
On a recent trip I flew and checked into my DVC as normal for a relaxing 4-days. I did not make a Park reservation and was told parks were full and I would not be able to visit the parks at all.
It took an act of God and talking to several different managers to get 1 day at a park I felt cheated, abandoned and totally disrespected I made the best of it and visited Universal Studios!
It was extremely disappointing to say the least I’m selling my DVC Ownership and never coming again On a side note the movies of recent are disgusting and disappointing Stock Values have been diminished by 50% Disney stay the frick out of politics, stop the woke crap and go back to the way things were where the visitors were valued Sadly the magic is gone
I hate the park pass reservations. I have seen that be the most common comment on any site. Clearly, what their guests think doesn’t mean anything.
If it means being able to hop earlier than 2pm…I’m all in! As a local, annual pass holder, I haven’t had any issues with the reservation system and as a business owner, I totally understand needing to be better able to understand where resources are needed (cast members, merchandise, food, etc).
Latest example of Disney ridiculously over complicating what is supposed to be a recreational experience, not a logistical nightmare to coordinate all aspects of a visit to the resort.
The whole point of park hopping is to be able to look at wait times in other parks and go to one that’s lower. That cannot be known in advance.
Especially if a key ride is down. For example, we might intend to park hop from DHS to DAK, but if we see Everest is down, we might be more interested in EPCOT instead.
Park hopping for us is much more fluid and impulsive.
Too complicated, you should be able to park hop when ever you like
Please stop with the over-processing! We are humans, not widgets. What looks old good on spreadsheets does not feel good in practice. Please remember that it was all started by a mouse – not an accountant.
Sounds like CEO Bob Chapek’s new way to get more money for less quality.
Not complicated Just sucks It’s hard enough to plan a Disney vacation with just one reservation (weather/temperatures/energy ) With kids . Especially with how long you have to book
What the hell Disney! We’re supposed to be on holiday, it’s bad enough as it is. I’m going to Disney soon and I’m sick of trying to book stuff that isn’t available and worried about whether we’ll get to ride the ride we originally planned the holiday for. Too stressful!
Overly complicated! Stop all these nonsense reservations and let guests, pass-holders and especially resort guests just get up and go as long as they have a ticket for that day! NO RESERVATIONS!
Agreed. When something is working ok, why want they just leave it alone? Something new is not always better or good.
Just another layer of ridiculousness. I think they have a department that sits around brainstorming ideas of how they can further complicate the experience and piss off guests and take all the spontaneity and magic out of the experience.
Absolutely not!!!!! Every single thing Disney has been doing recently has pushed me away from the company which I never thought was possibly my grandparents were the third members to join dvc and I’ve been brought up ever since but I can’t handle or support what is going on.
Disney, stop screwing your customers. And stop calling us guests – you no longer treat us like guest. You treat us like shit now.
There Disney goes again! Just making going to Disney parks more complicated, confusing, and unnecessary. I’m in favor of Disney returning to yester-year, when the guests seemed like they were important and the company was proud to have them as a guest. My opinion is don’t be political, for I could care less how you feel or what your opinions are. Get back when guests felt like you we were appreciated. We give you enough of our money to expect that.
Too much. Way too much. Who is coming up with all these bad decisions right now?!?!?!
This is a step in the absolute WRONG direction. The Park Reservation System need to be disbanded entirely, not expanded. TURN OF THE RESERVATION SYSTEM!!!
This sounds complicated and ridiculous. More $$$, less for the guest. Just another obstacle that will drive your guests to spend more time at Universal which is what I plan to do even though I’m a Disney fanatic.
Way too complicated. It should stay as it is or go back to being able to park hop anytime without a res.
This would be so complicated and more stress added on to planning a vacation! Please just keep it simple do not consider this change!
I used to search for Disney Parks news. now I cringe when I see a news article figuring it’s for less enjoyment opportunities and more changes or costs. I seriously miss Disney being consumer focused.
Disney used to be a magical vacation, its now become a logistics operation driven by greed. Book this, plan this, be here by x time or if you want to ride pay extra. The people running Disney are missing the point that you are probably taking a break from work with family or friends and this has now become a further extention of work that has to be planned every second of every day of your visit. The joy has gone and every decision currently being made stripping a little bit more away. Universal must love Disney at present as they will continue to be the main benefactors of Disney chasing the dollars and putting boundaries around every choice you make. I don’t want to go on a vacation were my mobile device is firmly stuck in my hand for fear of missing something. I know change happens but make it for the right reasons and not just a share dividend.
There Disney goes again! Just making going to Disney parks more complicated, confusing, and unnecessary. I’m in favor of Disney returning to yester-year, when the guests seemed like they were important and the company was proud to have them as a guest. My opinion is don’t be political, for I could care less how you feel or what your opinions are. Get back when guests felt like you we were appreciated. We give you enough of our money to expect that.
When Disney closes, will the statue of Walt and Mickey be donated to the Smithsonian?
People used to go on vacation to feel free and live in the moment. Now, with all the extra steps of bureaucracy and charges with Genie+, the go-with-the-flow is zapped. You even have to wake up early every day of vacation to get any good Lightning Lane reservations. Do the decision-makers know how to have fun and vacation? They can’t think that customers enjoy this. Sad thing is, they probably don’t care.
I hate the park reservation system. Too planned, you can’t be spontaneous and it took some of the fun out of it for us when we were booked into one park but wanted to go elsewhere that day. It felt less like a holiday as you are always committed to times/days. I just want to be able to relax and go where the mood takes me
You are so right!!! that is exactly the way we like to vacation and how we did Disneyworld when they still had fast pass and no park reservations. we don’t want to go again right now with the park reservations, lightning lanes and large crowds
Exactly right – and it feels like much of the vacation is now tied to constantly poking at your phone and not getting to simply enjoy the moment. I miss the spontaneity.
You’re right. They’ve ruined any possibility of a relaxing, spontaneous vacation. A trip to Disney is turning into work. Might as well stay home and get paid.
Exactly they don’t care cause they feel well your gonna come anyway you will go by our rules abd it’s been record crowds I hate it
Clearly Disney doesn’t listen part 7754. People have been completely turned off by reservations now that we have resumed activities. It is clunky and useless. It makes park inaccessible for some people. it already costs more to park at the limited 2 pm. Let’s make everyone even more mad by having more reservations. As someone who wasn’t able to go until I was an adult, they are quickly killing the magic. Everything else in the US is fully open without restrictions. It’s time Disney or people will leave.
I’m inching closer and closer to being done with Disney
If they do, I am out as a visitor, a AP holder and we sell my DVC property
Off to Universal we go, it’s bad enough having to book parks anyway but to add this is rediculas, this will be our last visit to Disney this year not going to bother again.
When is your trip this year?
JUST. NO. Disney is making everything super complicated and expensive. Worked on opening of HS- so many changes and not for the better. The genie system is terrible and as an annual passholder for 25 years and a Dvc owner am so sick of them draining the magic!! Park hopping is the one perk that makes Disney fun. Take that away and I’m going to guess they are going to start losing people. Why keep an annual pass if you take the spontaneity out of park hopping. Cheeseandrice Disney! STOP!!
They are removing the ability to just go where you want when you feel like it. Disney needs to start listening to its fan base. More ideas like this and the stock price is going to continue downward.
Might as well start making 60 day out reservations for everything: ADRs, Quick Service, Rides, Park Reservations, Park Hopping Reservations, Shops, Walking Paths, etc.
Don’t forget potty stops and toilet paper reservations so they can also dole that out one little square at a time.
As the highest tier of AP, I still can’t get a the days I want with the reservation system! So much so we started to keep a calendar of days we could not visit! I would not participate if Disney added another reservation system on top of this one. We would be done!
Disney continues to trend downward. It’s so sad. This place used to be my happy place that I have so many memories with family. It’s not the same place I have those memories anymore.
Park hopping is already less value with the restriction of 2:00- and this makes it even worse, even if it can start before then! If we have to make reservations we will never buy PH again- and we have every single trip I. The last.
They need to throw this terrible idea out and free up the current PH restriction to either any time or perhaps earlier like 12.
Vacation should be easier and more flexible- they are making it worse!!!!
Please Disney stop these horrible plans!
Please stop this is ridiculous!!! I love Disney but it’s becoming more of a job then vacation!!!! And also becoming more expensive!!
Everyone is missing the point. This is all done to give us a better experience when we visit Disney. They tell us this all the time!
Thanks for all the help with my retirement funds Chapek! Way to destroy over half of your market capitalization. I hope wall street steps in here.
Definitely not! If you want to park hop you may not know until later which one you want to go to! Totally inconvenient and complicated, adding to stress levels too! It’s bad enough having to reserve a park. What happened to the freedom to choose at the time and having a relaxing holiday!
Sorry Disney I miss wandering and exploring being spontaneous and seeing the wonder of Disney now it is to much like work i will not be back
This is getting way too complicated..my wife and i used to be passholders and I agree ..the more changes they make the more they push us away from the company. Why not be like universal and be able to go to the parks and park hop freely?
They are repeatedly tempting us with selling our DVC. This has become an absolute nightmare. Impossible to deal with. No more go with the flow and a wonderful vacation. It’s stop, plan, make a ressie, stop, plan, make a ressie. No more enjoyment in the parks. Before the pandemic, we were shopping 55+ communities in the greater Orlando area. Not anymore. No more hopes of visiting on a whim. Disney is losing its magic.
Disney has complicated visiting the parks already. People do not want to be restricted any further. There will not be any “on the fly” visiting a second park of your choice. As a travel agent I have heard clients say it is so complicated. How am I going to handle and understand all the rules? This is a vacation!
I recently moved near WDW because I love it so much. Even in the year I’ve been here it has become more and more complicated. For me the bottom line comes down to this, I already know that even popping in to the parks for a couple hours can be pricey. Make it easy for me to give you money. It sometimes feels like a social experiment to see just a how far a person is willing to go to spend the maximum amount possible. Make it easy for the guests to be there and give you the money you so desperately want!
Once again, Disney trying to take the magic out of our vacation. Please stop, really don’t believe this is what Walt Disney intended.
This would be the last straw for me as a passholder. I already can’t just decide at the spur of the moment to go to a park. Now I might not be able to use one of the main benefits of my pass and park hop? Forget it. If you’re so worried about the crowds in the parks, spend money on more staff and attractions than on efforts to actively discourage your passholders from coming.
Yet another stupid money making idea from Bob Chapek no doubt! Did his parents refuse to take him to Disney I wonder? Seems he’s trying to suck all the fun out of everything. Walt must be turning in his grave with this guy in charge.
I am getting very sad with Disney’s management. Come on. This is just another way disney can squeeze even more money out of guests. Gluttenry will be their downfall. Enough is enough.
WAY TOO COMPLICATED! Here’s a suggestion, just remove the reservation system once and for all! Disney, you are the only theme park that is requiring them and they are stupid!
Having reservations to go to the park are a pain! It takes the fun out of just jumping in the car and head to one of the parks. Now that being said, if that’s how Disney wants to do it fine. BUT now you want to us to make reservations to just park hop? RIDICULOUS! My family have been annual pass holder for close to 5 years now and one of our traditions is going at Christmas time to see all the lights at all the different parks in one day. Now you’re telling me I can only go if I have reservations?! Bob Chapek needs to go! He’s killing all the magic that every CEO, imagineer, and cast member has put into to make Walt Disney proud! It’s all about the money now and not the enjoyment of the parks. If this does happen I think a lot of annul pass holders will think before they renew. I know I will!
Will be staying at our DVC villa but it will be Universal and Sea World for us. Crawling out of bed at the dawn of crack and spending the rest of the day with my phone in my face is NOT a vacation!
Your customers are complaining that going to WDW is too complicated and they don’t like it. Apparently their response is to add another layer? What on earth are they thinking. How could this possibly increase guest satisfaction and make things better?
This is perfect now I can schedule my bowel movements for the days I leave the half day park Animal Kingdom and go to Hollywood Studios. Chapek, WINNING!
They should have created another theme park land in Orlando over the years instead of investing so much in other countries. This could have helped spread out some of the crowds. Focus on USA.
It is about having more control. By having guest required to make the second reservation they can steer guest even more. Disney currently only controls the attendance for for first reservation. They can steer guest to any park they want by controlling the reservation. By controlling both reservations they have complete control of where they want guest to be. 🤪
Disney fans “park reservations are a pain, we hate them, please get rid of them.” Disney “you know what we need? more park reservations.”
Nope…Don’t like that idea. Under the current system, one can buy buy just one park hopper ticket for their LAST park day…that gives one the flexibility of deciding what park they didn’t get enough done in or just want to visit a second time. Come on, Disney give Guests just one option for spontaneity!
Yes, because guests already cannot control nor anticipate what Disney will do next to ruin the thrill of just being in the parks. So what happens if lines are too long in the secondary park reservation which totally thwarts the reason for returning to or going to that park? I’m guessing that guests will be totally screwed. If this is the case, we will be done with Disney. We carefully coordinate every moment already as required by Disney. Give me a break!!
This is outrageous. Vacation is synonymous with rest, relaxation, spontaneity. Disney vacation have eliminated all three of those components. This is all about control and profit. If course Disney will end up charging for Park Hopping. The current leadership cares nothing about its guests, only about their fat salaries and bonuses. Let’s get back to Walt’s original plan, a place for families to spend quality time together.
I think those of us park hopping from a reserved park to an unreserved park were pretty much calling Chapek’s bluff. He’s not using the park reservation system to plan staffing levels, he used it at first to keep out the Magic Keys in Calif because they spend less. Then he noticed how the park res system created an artificial demand. Same goes for the Genie Plus and LL – all to create an artificial demand, artificially long wait times – thereby increasing the demand for LL’s thereby increasing his profits exponentially. Now I think it bit him in the … and rightfully so.
OMG enough with the reservations!!! And Don’t get me started About that miserable Genie+ Anymore I feel like I’m flying on spirit airlines when I go to Disney, just nickel and dime me to death already. I grew up In a household that nobody said a bad worried about the mouse!!
Walt Disney is rolling in his grave!!!!
Yes! Spirit Airlines – the new official airline of the Mouse! You’re joking, but that’s spot on how it feels anymore!
Get ride of the whole “ reservation” system period! It’s way to much of an inconvenience. If you keep it or make it more complicated, at least cut your prices for everything in half, because that’s all visitors get is about half a vacation experience!
This is way too much work. You shouldn’t have to be totally tech savvy to be able to get through your day. I know people who have gone recently and they were frustrated enough with digital tickets, park pass reservations, Genie +, Lightning Lane, and mobile food orders. Why doesn’t Disney get it? They need to simplify things, not make them more difficult.
Horrible idea. Please Disney don’t do this! I’ve never gone to Universal but I would consider it….. Also eliminate reservations all together
It would be so sad if open park hopping is taken away. The flexibility of it has always been amazing. The day is now micromanaged enough. It is nice to have the option to ride Tower of Terror because you feel like it on your last night and not have to plan every minute of your trip.
That would be horrible. Do they sit in their offices and think up more ways to make the guests miserable? Unhappy? Frustrated? Because it sure seems like it. When we don’t get the park we want, we reserve what’s available and then hop at 2 with our annual pass. We’re coming from Michigan so it’s a limited time during the year. We’d like to enjoy ourselves, not here to keep dodging Disney’s roadblocks to a good time.
If Disney can figure out a way to up charge to make the 2nd park reservation, then I’m pretty sure we will be making Park Hopper Reservations soon. Wonder if there will be a charge to go to a 3rd park in one day or will that option be gone. The Magic is getting very thin at Disney. Ive been going to Disney World since 1971 i was still in High School the last 15 years Ive been an annual passholder. But struggling with the decision to renew this year. I’m leaning towards ending my time at Disney. Will say its been a fun run.
Who came up with this rumor? Do you have a source?
That’s not really how rumors work, sources don’t like to be named.
Why can’t the leave things they way they are if it’s been working. New is not always better. Lately everything new and any changes have been awful. It’s definitely taken some of the fun away.
This is getting ridiculous!!! You are supposed to put your phone down and disconnect on vacation…. Disney has you tied to your phone like life support all day with this nonsense!! Stop the insanity… New Leadership Please! We have been to Disney 32 times but the magic is lacking its luster as of late!!! It is very sad!
This is getting ridiculous!!! You are supposed to put your phone down and disconnect on vacation…. Disney has you tied to your phone like life support all day with this nonsense!! Stop the insanity… New Leadership Please! We have been to Disney 32 times but the magic is lacking its luster as of late!!! It is very sad!
“Too complicated” has been posted many times in one form or another, and I couldn’t agree more. Disney is unnecessarily complicating a simple, daily, often last-minute decision about park hopping. If they want to planning casting levels for the first visit, fine. Beyond that, staff as they did in the past. It seemed to work well from 1971 through March 2020.
As much as I understand the need to keep track of capacity, and am KIND of on board with the park reservation system as it currently is, knowing that park hopping is available to me, this would be an absolute disaster.
People are going to need a degree in going on vacation soon. I sincerely hope this is just going to stay a rumour.
This is what happens when you surround a greedy leader with yesmen. No one is brave enough to say this is a bad idea.
The last trip to Disney for our family was 7 years ago. We had a great time. A few months ago we decided to go back again in 2023, but the more I have read in the last couple of months about all the changes, the less I want to go back. The fun has been taken out of Disney. How can it be the “happiest place on Earth” with all the restrictions, the large price increases and all that has been discontinued such as the dining plan? So, no, I don’t approve of adding more restrictions. Go back to what it was the last time my family visited. It’s almost as if they are discouraging people from enjoying a trip to Disney.
This is getting more and more ridiculous!
This entire system is dreadful and is meant to punish the most loyal and faithful guests (annual pass holders). There is nothing sporadic anymore. Everything needs to be planned out months in advance and you must be buried on your phone all day long. I was talking a with a friend the other day where he and I enjoyed the parks in I believe 2015 and he was shocked to hear about all the changes. If anything, the sporadic nature is what kept us going all day. Including just jumping from one park to another and one attraction to another. Planning a Disney trip now is just too complicated and with limited experiences all costing significantly more, it’s just sad.
You are losing me Disney and I never thought that would happen.. used to go 2-3 times a year but haven’t been back since 2020 and with all these changes the desire is just gone. We often stayed deluxe, ate on site, paid extra for behind the scenes tours but no plans to go back to Florida anytime soon.
The parks are getting so crowded all the time now, that reservations will prevent people from the disappointment of being turned away because the park has reached capacity. This happened to part of our party a few years ago – some of us got in, but the ones who slept in longer weren’t able to get in because the park had reached capacity. I suspect that the suggestion of needing reservations to hop is pure speculation because only allowing people to hop if the 2nd park is not too crowded is sensible. It may be something that is being considered so that someone who wants to go to Epcot for an evening dinner, but wants to spend the earlier part of the day in another park would be able to make a dinner reservation without concern that they couldn’t get into the park because it’s full of people drinking around the world, etc. Whatever the program/rules etc that Disney rolls out, we will study up to understand them and plan accordingly.
This is insane. Let’s do away with the reservation system all together. I’m so tired as a Disney travel agent and a Disney used to be fan of them making it over complicated for everyone. It’s not even a vacation anymore it’s work and it starts from the minute you make the reservation to go. But the worst is getting up every morning at 6:50 to make sure you can get one fast pass and then drop more money to buy a fast pass to get on the other tier rides! When my pass expires I’m done. They will nickel and dime and it’s already brutally expensive!!!!
We have pixie passes and there were a few times that after we went to our first park, we tried going to another one after 2pm just to be turned away at the gates because of capacity.
If we were able to make a second park reservation, that wouldn’t have happened.
I’m all for it!
Just imagine being a first time visitor.
Visiting a place should not be this complicated.
I have an elderly friend that called me with help about planning a family trip and felt like I could not even explain it anymore.
It should not be an hour long lecture about planning the trip, it should be a five minute conversation.
Funny thing about this was on the day of the 50th I had a MK CM say to me, “We had no idea it was going to be like this”, and I thought “You knew basically EXACTLY how many people would be in MK that day for months! Yet it was still totally understaffed and a cluster”
This is getting beyond ridiculous. This will be our 6th WDW trip over the years. All the planning just with the park reservations is insane. Haven’t yet figured out why you have to have a reservation for your first park of the day but not the others. Just get rid of the entire reservation system. The prices for a Disney vacation has skyrocketed so this will be our last trip, which is sad because I really love WDW. It’s just to costly. The flexibilty of moving between parks will be totally gone. If we get into a park (MK, EP, AK, or HS) that we feel is just too crowded, we can make our own decision to leave and come back at a later time. EVERYTHING WDW IS GOING RIGHT NOW IS ALL ABOUT LINING DISNEY’S POCKETS!!!
When I took my daughter at the beginning of this month, we parked hopped after 2, and made it to 3 parks in one day. Which is why do the park hopper when we go to Disney. Keep it the way it is, dear Disney. Don’t mess with another thing that ain’t broken.
The reservations system is a great operational planning tool – for Disney. It’s a great way to control and direct demand – for Disney. It’s a terribly complicated and inflexible system – for customers.
However, the parks are owned by Disney so it will do what is best – for Disney.
If you really want to change Disney’s tactics, then stop going and start impacting their profits. No more “inching towards not going,” “we’ll only go once a year,” “as DVC members, this is the last straw” or “nickel and diming” complaining. Actually speak with your wallet! Sell your DVC interest. Quit buying APs. Visit other fabulous places that our world has to offer!
Until that happens, expect the company to work that benefits it the most – i.e., for Disney.
The reservation system is so complicated!!! I don’t recommend friends take trips to Disney right now at all. It’s frustrating for me as a veteran and quite frankly the changes that they have made are overwhelming and stressful for everyone.
This is crazy this reservation crap needs to stop !!! This has nothing to do with capacities & covid . The parks are beyond crowded. I get there’s build up travel demand, DVC points that need to be used, and the 50th , but after that , if this CEO doesn’t start changing things people are not going to go. At least I can hope not! It is way too regimen to have to wake up at 6:50 and try to figure out your day , it was so much more enjoyable when you could go online and pick your fast passes. I don’t mind paying even but I want to be able to get on what I want for that day. Pre-Covid if I would of stood in line for an hour and a half only for that ride to break down and went over to guest relations because the ride broke down , they would’ve gave me a fast pass to just use anytime that week I bet ! No , that’s not the case now , He knows what he’s doing now he is putting a block between The cast masters and the customers and that block is your phone bc all they can tell you is it’s all done through the app,, totally sucks. Where is the human interaction ? We are paying a lot more money now for the Genie plus to get on rides that we might not even be able to get on? Because maybe the ones you want won’t even be available! This park reservation stuff needs to stop and they should just let you pay for the genie and pick the rides ahead of time. Even if it’s so many days before your trip , just somethings for some more flexibility. It’s just so stressful and sad 😞
This is bananas!! Disney is taking all of the magic out of going to their parks. All these reservations for everything takes the spontaneity out of just going and having a great time and going with the flow and go in wherever you want to whenever you want to. We have been DVC owners for a long time and would visit Disney World several times a year but since all this reservation stuff has started we have no desire and we are seriously considering selling our DVC. There is just no more magic when you are forced to live by all these ridiculous rules when you’re on vacation. And now the renewal of Bob Chapek that’s just the icing on the cake he needs to go!! Disney needs to start listening to their guests.
Nope. The only spontaneity left to us is park hopping. If you have to plan to park hop that will just bring us to another level of anxiety.
BIG NO!!! Why do they kept taking away more of the magic EVERYDAY and just keep raising prices!! Ridiculous! It is almost out of reach for families as it is and now this. The whole point of park hopping is the freedom you have to go anywhere you want after 2:00. Sometimes you decide you want to eat somewhere at the last minute in another park and you have that freedom now with park hopper. Please stop Disney…stop taking away everything I come to you for. Listen to your people for a change and not your bank account.
You guys need to absolutely stop posting rumors. all you do is get people all worked up, just stop. it’s irresponsible and annoying
It’s not, it’s part of every fandom in media.
What I don’t understand why they would need to make a multiple park pass. Since the hopper was original intended to go multiple different parks in one day with the add on of water parks. This is getting out of hand.
Your constant milking of your loyal customers is totally ridiculous. Trying to regain all lost on covid is turning the happiest place on earth into a nightmare. Your political views and constant price gouging and liquidation of amenities has caused your sudden drop in the stick market , loss of Disney+ customers and trip cancellations. Be loyal to your paying customers and keep political views to yourself and stop trying to jam them in everyones faces
Not only do you need a higher education degree to get a higher paying job to come to Disney but you also need to take a class on vacationing at Disney. There should not be this much work involved in taking a theme park resort vacation. The over selling of DVC which has given Disney uncountless members who have basically pledged to take a Disney vacation at least every two years if not more has open the door for them to figure out how to bleed more out of them. Unfortunately everyone get sucked into the spending more spiral.
Can these people really be this dumb? Best trip to Disney was my wife and I had, waking up each day and deciding that day which park to go to, what we felt like that day. Those days are gone as they cater only to elites with money. Been there over 50 times and I feel like they dont care about us anymore. Renewing Chapek’s contract, dumbest idea ever!! Fire him
Honestly, I really don’t mind the reservations. It’s all about controlling the crowds and keeping things without the parks getting to capacity. I don’t understand how people feel so inconvenienced over just simply making a reservation days before your trip is planned. It’s really not that big of a deal.
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