Restaurant inspections - The Newnan Times-Herald

2022-07-09 00:51:57 By : Mr. baoquan zhang

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The Coweta Board of Environmental Health inspects all Coweta restaurants, schools and businesses that serve food several times each year.

Food inspections can be conducted during any hours of operation or whenever food is being prepped in the permitted establishment. Inspections are made at varying times to ensure that the food service rules and regulations are being followed. Some establishments have hours after 5 p.m. Therefore, inspections will be conducted when risk factors can be observed for compliance. Inspectors wear hair nets during checks to protect the food, which is also a requirement for those working around open food. Be in the know the moment news happens Subscribe to Daily and Breaking News Alerts Email Address

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Using a 41-category checklist, an environmental health specialist checks compliance in safe handling of food, proper disposal of garbage, and other areas.

China One, 487 Jackson St., Suite 109, Newnan – was inspected June 28 and received a score of 93-A. Inspector’s comments: Observed multiple items date labeled with today’s date that were cooked yesterday. Observed black beans with date label of 5/29/22. PIC discarded black beans. New Violation. Observed bowls being stored in prep top cooler on top of food. Bowls were removed from prep top cooler. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed old cans being used to hold water on grill. PIC discarded cans. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed employee food, drinks and stuff on food prep top surface and in coolers. PIC moved or discarded items. Corrected on-site. New violation.

La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant, 941 Bullsboro Drive, Newnan – was inspected June 27 and received a score of 77-C. Inspector’s comments: Observed no paper towels at hand wash sink in dish washing area, paper towels restocked during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed two food strainers hanging over soap dispenser and two buckets containing utensils in front of handwash sink restricted access in dish washing area. Strainers removed and buckets moved to allow access to proper hand washing. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed soap in a plastic food container beside hand wash sink in bar area, soap placed in a proper dispenser during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed sanitizer not dispensing at adequate strength at dish machine in bar area. New violation. Observed food containers with old date mark stickers on outsides of containers, stickers should be removed completely prior to washing, rinsing and sanitizing equipment. New violation. Observed TCS foods in prep top cooler above proper cold holding temperature of 41 F such as queso 45 F and 46 F, sour cream 50 F, 51.5 F and 52 F, guacamole 48 F, pico de gallo 47 F, cut lettuce 51.5 F and 52 F. Observed TCS foods in cooler drawer above proper cold holding temperature of 41 F such as spinach 47 F and shredded cheese 48 F. All foods moved to coolers with ambient temperatures of 41 F or below. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed multiple fly strips hanging throughout kitchen area, fly strips removed during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed one chemical spray bottle on shelf next to chip bin and a bag of spray foam on top of canned jalapenos, chemicals moved to chemical storage. Observed multiple chemical bottles stored on shelf above bowls, plates and cups in storage building. PIC instructed employee to move chemicals to the bottom shelf during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed scoop handle touching ice in bar area ice bin, scoop handle positioned above ice during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed screen door on exterior door off kitchen area with large gap at bottom of door, need to install a door sweep. Observed trash bag being used as a splash guard on back of shelf containing plates, need to install splash guard made of washable material. Observed broken lid on prep top cooler. New violation. Observed employee drink in disposable cup with a lid in reach-in cooler next to salsa, observed employee canned drink and fruit bowl in bottom of prep top cooler with condiments and a backpack hanging on rack containing canned and packaged foods. New violation.

Little Caesars, 44 Bullsboro Drive, Suite G, Newnan – was inspected June 27 and received a score of 86-B. Inspector’s comments: Sanitizer bucket was at less than minimum concentration. New violation. Observed dough machine with food build up around lid/top of bowl. New violation. Observed marinara sauce on counter with no time label as required by the variance. PIC did not have a copy of variance. New violation. Observed box of cookies/animal crackers on floor underneath counter. PIC moved items. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed scoops with no handle in shredded cheese on prep-top cooler. Repeat violation. Observed stacks of pizza boxes stored with food surface exposed. Items should be inverted. New violation. Observed hole in the wall beside dough machine. New violation.

Newnan Country Club Food Service, 1356 N. Highway 29, Newnan – was inspected June 29 and received a score of 92-A. Inspector’s comments: Observed sanitizer buckets at less than minimum concentration. PIC remade buckets. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed isopropyl alcohol stored on top of soda boxes, chafing fuel above single use items, and hand sanitizer on food prep surface. PIC moved items to appropriate locations. Corrected on-site. New violation.

Olive Garden #1658, 212 Newnan Crossing Bypass, Newnan – was inspected June 27 and received a score of 95-A. Inspector’s comments: Observed most on shift employees did not have up to date signed employee reporting agreements. New violation. Observed handwash sink at bar with pipe leading from top of bar drink area into handwash sink. Informed PIC that handwash sinks are to be used for only handwashing. New violation. Observed heavy ice build up in walk in freezer. New violation.

Panda Express #1117, 1015 Bullsboro Drive, Newnan – was inspected June 27 and received a score of 100-A.

Papa John’s Pizza Store #518, 285 Temple Avenue, Newnan – was inspected June 27 and received a score of 86-B. Inspector’s comments: Observed sanitizer in three-compartment sink at less than minimum concentration. PIC replaced empty container and re-made sanitizer. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed stuffed crust pizza made on racks without timer. Observed sauce held at room temperature without label. PIC added labels. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed employee drinks in small reach in cooler and employee food without label. PIC removed items. Corrected on-site. New violation.

Roly Poly, 300 Bullsboro Drive Suite A, Newnan – was inspected June 29 and received a score of 99-A. Inspector’s comments: Observed single-use food trays with food surface exposed. PIC inverted items. Corrected on-site. New violation.

Beez Freeze, 75 Main St., Senoia – was inspected June 22 and received a score of 99-A. Inspector’s comments: Observed no handwash sign at handwash sink. New violation.

Big Chic Senoia, 7280 Highway 16 Unit A, Senoia – was inspected June 22 and received a score of 80-B. Inspector’s comments: Observed three compartment sink at less than minimum concentration. PIC remade sanitizer. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed walk in cooler at ambient temperature of 58 F. All items inside were temped and either discarded or iced down. Walk-in cooler above 41 F included: Chicken 51 F, Macaroni & cheese 55 F, Shredded cheese 55 F, Coleslaw 53 F. Reach-in cooler: Ranch 64 F, Coleslaw 55 F. Items were discarded. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed items below 135 F including pans of collard greens and baked potatoes on counter top at 74 F and 72 F, respectively. Observed items in steam well — chili 123 F, nacho cheese 118 F. Observed chicken under heat lamp — wing 110 F, thigh 116 F. PIC discarded items. Corrected On-Site. New Violation. Observed chemical bottles stored beneath counter beside single-use items. New violation. Observed bags of gizzards thawing in sink with no running water. PIC processed items and iced them down in walk-in cooler. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed no thermometer capable of checking cold temperatures for food. Only thermometer available starts at 130 F. New violation.

Blue Space Food Inc., 3150 E. Highway 34, Suite 304, Newnan – was inspected June 24 and received a score of 78-C. Inspector’s comments: Observed containers of rangoons, crab meat and scallops with no lids in reach-in freezer. Foods covered during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed food particles on slicer. New violation. Observed TCS foods stored in reach-in cooler, walk-in cooler and prep top cooler above proper cold holding temperature of 41 F such as cooked shrimp 45 F, chicken wing 52 F, cooked chicken 49.6 F, egg roll 45 F, ambient 52 F, spring roll 51.5 F, cooked chicken 47.8 F, raw chicken 48 F, walk-in cooler ambient 45 F, cooked beef 45 F, cooked chicken 46.5 F, lo mein 46 F, raw shrimp 45 F, lo mein 45.4 F, cooked shrimp 43 F, cooked beef 45 F, cooked chicken 47.8 F, sprouts 51.2 F. Reach-in cooler temperature adjusted and retemped at 40 F. New violation. Observed two bulk bins of corn starch with no label and one flour bin with no label. New violation. Observed an open package of corn starch by back door, packages should be resealed after opening or stored in a container with a lid. New violation. Observed a wet wiping cloth on top of reach-in cooler, wiping cloths should be in use or in a sanitizer bucket. New violation. Observed a plastic bowl being used as a scoop in soy sauce bucket, scoops must have handles and be designed for multiple use. New violation. Observed cracked lid on bulk corn starch bucket, lid should be replaced. New violation. Observed employee water bottle by microwave, coffee cup on top of microwave, employee drink bottle on prep counter and beside cutting board, employee foods in reach-in cooler above containers of wontons, employee drinks on top shelves of walk-in cooler over and beside consumer foods. New violation. Grease build up on hood vents. New violation.

Canongate on Whiteoak Clubhouse, 141 Clubview Drive, Newnan – was inspected June 22 and received a score of 92-A. Inspector’s comments: Observed handwashing sink in the back of kitchen without hand drying provisions. Paper towels provided during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed several foods (Cheese dip, chili, mashed potatoes, hot dogs) in the walk-in cooler without date markings. Date markings added during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation.

Captain D’s, 1369 Bullsboro Drive, Newnan – was inspected June 23 and received a score of 93-A. Inspector’s comments: Observed sanitizer at 500 ppm in three compartment sink basin, remade sanitizer during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed food particles inside microwaves and batter on blender base. New violation. Observed two employees wearing watches preparing foods in kitchen area. New violation.

Domino’s Pizza #3567, 15 Baker Road, Newnan – was inspected June 24 and received a score of 91-A. Inspector’s comments: Observed packages of diced pineapple and olives in hand wash sink beside prep top cooler, packages removed during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed no paper towels at hand wash sink in dish washing area. New violation. Observed a chemical spray bottle on storage shelf next to a box of olive oil and above a box of diced tomato. Moved to chemical storage during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed a broom leaning against rack containing packaged foods. New violation. Observed an employee bottled drink and apron on box of napkin dispensers. New violation.

Crust and Craft Sharpsburg, LLC, 3150 East Highway 34 Suite 301, Newnan – was inspected June 24 and received a score of 90-A. Inspector’s comments: Observed TCS foods in cooler drawers and ice bath above proper cold holding temperature of 41 F, such as shredded pork 49 F (discarded), diced chicken 48.6 F (discarded), chicken wings 44 F, philly meat 43.5 F. Ice bath: pico de gallo 45.5 F, diced tomato 45.9 F, lettuce 47.4 F. Ice bath remade to be equal parts ice and water. Retemps: pico 43 F, diced tomato 42.5 F, lettuce 42.6 F. Pork 44 F, in prep-top was portioned today, moved to reach-in cooler to ensure proper cooling. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed chicken tenders at steam well at 120 F, below proper hot hold temperature of 135 F, tenders discarded. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed employee cup on table behind bar next to beverage garnishes, canned drink next to silverware caddy, drink in cup with lid and straw next to silverware container. New violation.

Johnny’s Pizza, 1899 Newnan Crossing Blvd. E., Newnan – was inspected June 21 and received a score of 80-B. Inspector’s comments: Observed employee pick up garlic bread with bare hands, wrap in foil and place in takeout box, garlic bread discarded and remade during inspection. Explained that ready-to-eat foods must be handled with gloves or utensils. Corrected on-site. New violation. Observed three chemical spray bottles hanging on cart containing Styrofoam cups and condiments in dining area, two chemical spray bottles hanging on rack containing cornmeal, grill cleaner on shelf with fryer oil, sanitizer on shelf with boxes of gloves and fryer oil. New violation. Observed one chemical spray bottle with no label on chemical shelf. New Violation. Observed a fly strip hanging above door in dish washing area. New violation. Observed a gallon of milk in walk-in cooler with expiration date of 6/9. New violation. Observed employees making foods in kitchen area with no hair restraints. New violation. Observed employee slicing deli meat wearing a beaded bracelet. New violation. Observed broom and dustpan leaning against rack containing boxes of canned sauce. New violation. Observed buildup on ceiling vents in kitchen area and ceiling tiles in dish washing area. New violation. Observed employee canned drink on reach-in cooler next to containers of pizza dough, employee drink in disposable cup with lid and straw on lower shelf next to pizza pans and take out boxes and on shelf next to deli paper over prep counter. New violation.

No 1 Buffett, 1731 E. Newnan Crossing Drive, Newnan – was inspected June 22 and received a score of 81-B. Inspector’s comments: Observed dish machine and three compartment sink not testing adequately for sanitizer. New violation. Observed black buildup on deflector shield of ice machine and food particles inside microwave. New violation. Observed TCS foods stored in sushi cooler and on ice in buffet area above proper cold holding temperature of 41 F such as tuna 59 F, ambient 48 F, salmon 46.5 F, cream cheese 49 F, watermelon 44.3 F, cut lettuce 45 F, shredded cheese 43 F. New Violation. Observed coconut shrimp 130 F on buffet, TCS foods should be hot held at a minimum temperature of 135 F. New violation. Observed no time log for sushi rice, PIC stated rice was made at 10 a.m. and will be discarded at 2 p.m. Checked pH of sushi rice during inspection. New violation. Observed one chemical spray bottle with no label in dish washing area. New Violation. Current inspection report not posted. New Violation. Observed employee food on prep counter, discarded during inspection. Corrected on-site. New violation.

Pizza Hut #038876, 8080 Wells St. B, Senoia – was inspected June 22 and received a score of 88-B. Inspector’s comments: Observed no signed employee health policies for most employees. Repeat violation. Observed sanitizer buckets at less than minimum strength. PIC remade buckets. Corrected on-site. Repeat violation.

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