REGULAR MEETING DICKINSON CITY COMMISSIO - The Dickinson Press | News, weather, sports from Dickinson North Dakota

2022-09-23 19:22:49 By : Mr. Gary Zhang

REGULAR MEETING DICKINSON CITY COMMISSION September 6, 2022 I. CALL TO ORDER President Scott Decker called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM. II. ROLL CALL Present were: President Scott Decker, Commissioners Jason Fridrich, Suzi Sobolik and Robert Baer Absent: Vice President John Odermann 1. ORDER OF BUSINESS MOTION BY: Suzi Sobolik SECONDED BY: Jason Fridrich To approve the September 6, 2022 Order of Business as presented with the removal of the 5:05 p.m. Roosevelt Custer presentation. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed 2. CONSENT AGENDA MOTION BY: Jason Fridrich SECONDED BY: Robert Baer A. Approval of meeting minutes dated August 16, 2022 B. Approval of Accounts Payable, Commerce Bank and Checkbook DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed 3. ADMINISTRATION/FINANCE A. Introduction of Joshua Skluzacek – Development Director/City Engineer Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger introduces Joshua Skluzacek whom will be the new Development Director/City Engineer. Mr. Skluzacek has three children and has lived in Dickinson for almost two years. B. Extra Mile Day Proclamation President Scott Decker presents the annual Extra Mile Day Proclamation. He states November 1, 2022 as Extra Mile Day. MOTION BY: Robert Bear SECONDED BY: Suzi Sobolik To approve the Extra Mile Day Proclamation DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed C. Citizen Interest Form – Civil Service Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger presents a Citizen Interest form for Civil Service by Megan Studsrud Lindquist. City Staff recommend approval. MOTION BY: Jason Fridrich SECONDED BY: Robert Baer To approve Megan Studsrud Lindquist to the Civil Service Commission DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed D. Reports: 1. IT Presentation/Update IT Director Aaron Meyer gives his annual IT Presentation and Update. Director Meyer thanks his team for all their hard work and dedication. He states IT supports over 236 users and 350 devices with 900 end user devices. Director Meyer includes projects such as the door controller project at $10,000 for this building. He states there have been upgrades to the timekeeping program which includes training and many more tools and also smaller software code for one stop shop for city employees. They have added new modules onto this program such as safety incident, CIP editor and others. New projects added are air fiber upgrades, fire map display and city lobby informational screen. Commissioner Robert Baer thanks Mr. Meyer and his staff for doing a fantastic job. 2. HR Report - Benefits HR Coordinator Shelly Nameniuk presents an employee survey to the Commissioners which states the majority of staff are satisfied with the benefits offered to them at the City of Dickinson such as health insurance, retirement, tuition reimbursement and others. 4. PUBLIC SAFETY A. Fire Department 1. Reports: Monthly Report Fire Chief Jeremy Presnell states July was extremely busy month with 187 calls for service which is a 46% increase. This shows to be a significant jump as the Fire Department does attend all EMS calls. This change has added 57 additional calls. The medical calls for the month show to have 75% of overall calls for mental health and covid. Station #1 had 138 calls and is the busiest station. Chief Presnell states they did hire five new firefighters this past month. There were 124 routine inspections, 52 fire prevention activities and he also discuss the community activities. Chief Presnell states that he does have an amazing team to work with. B. Police Department 1. Reports: None 5. ENGINEERING A. Development Agreement – Sundance Coves Addition Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger presents a development agreement for Sundance Coves Addition. He states City staff has worked with the developer to finalize he amendment. He states the amendment includes the owner agreeing to a special improvement district for all condo units. This will offset the lighting cost for the entire subdivision. City Attorney Christina Wenko states there is a certain dollar amount outlined in the agreement. This was a long time in the making to be suitable for the City and the developer. Special assessment for properties to get the lighting in place. The developer was not allowed to protest out of the special improvement district. This will be recorded to make sure that any lots being sold the buyers would be notified of the specials. Apex Engineering Scott Schneider states eventually there will be 16 buildings built and 5 are already split. The amendment to have six more buildings to be split into different units. MOTION BY: Robert Bear SECONDED BY: Suzi Sobolik To approve the Sundance Coves Addition Development Agreement DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed B. Task Order – Apex Engineering – Lighting Project/SID for Sundance Coves Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger presents Sundance Coves Lighting project. This subdivision was developed without street lighting and this project would include installation and a proposed special improvement district. The task order is to be billed at an hourly rate and not to exceed the amount of $44,200. MOTION BY: Suzi Sobolik SECONDED BY: Jason Fridrich To approve the Task Order for Lighting Project/SID for Sundance Coves. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed C. Development Agreement – The District Addition Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger presents a development agreement for The District. He states City staff has worked with the developer to finalize the agreement. The final plat for this property has been completed and will be recorded. City staff recommends approval. MOTION BY: Robert Bear SECONDED BY: Jason Fridrich To approve the Development Agreement for The District Addition. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed D. Development Agreement – Energy Center North Third Subdivision Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger presents a development agreement for Energy Center North Third Subdivision. The final plat of this property has been completed and will be recorded. He states City staff has worked with the developer to finalize the agreement. City staff recommends approval. MOTION BY: Jason Fridrich SECONDED BY: Robert Baer To approve the Development Agreement for Energy Center North Third Subdivision. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed E. State Avenue Cost Participation, Construction, and Maintenance Agreement with NDDOT Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger presents a Cost Participation for the mill and overlay, curb and gutter, ADA ramps, etc. for the 2023 construction period for State Avenue. There will be a federal funds for this project and is limited to $2,670,690. The City will be responsible for any amount over this threshold. MOTION BY: Jason Fridrich SECONDED BY: Suzi Sobolik To approve the State Avenue Cost Participation, Construction, and Maintenance Agreement with NDDOT. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed B. Final Plat – Maier’s Addition Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger presents a final plat for Maier’s Addition which is .745 acres which is located on the east side of 12th Avenue West between Wahl Street and Jerry Lane. The street address is 1186 Wahl Street. MOTION BY: Suzi Sobolik SECONDED BY: Jason Fridrich Adopt Resolution No. 28-2022. RESOLUTION NO. __28-2022 A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT ENTITLED THE MAIER’S ADDITION STARK COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed C. Special Use Permit – Verizon Wireless Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger presents a Special Use Permit for Verizon Wireless. This applicant was approved in 2015 and in 2019 for a special use permit for a monopole telecommunications tower but these permits have expired with no construction. The applicant did receive another permit and to begin construction in late 2022 or early 2023. MOTION BY: Robert Baer SECONDED BY: Suzi Sobolik Adopt Resolution No. 29-2022. RESOLUTION NO. __29-2022 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO VERIZON WIRELESS TO INSTALL TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER AT 3131 ENERGY DRIVE AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 7, BLOCK 1 ENERGY CENTER 2ND SUBDIVISION DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed 6. PUBLIC WORKS A. KLJ Task Order – South Cemetery Solid Waste/Recycling Manager Aaron Praus presents a Task Order Amendment to complete data collection and design activities necessary to finalize bid documents and assist Owner with obtaining construction bids for the South Cemetery expansion project schedule for 2023. The total cost would be $38,100 in addition to the original task order of $6,400. MOTION BY: Suzi Sobolik SECONDED BY: Robert Baer To approve KLJ Task Order for South Cemetery DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed B. Houston Engineering Task Order – Gas Monitoring of the groundwater monitoring well MW-27 Solid Waste/Recycling Manager Aaron Praus presents a task order from Houston Engineering to perform gas monitoring on the groundwater monitoring well MW-27 which was receiving elevated levels of VOC’s. This task order will satisfy the NDDEQ’s requirements for additional monitoring on the well. He states the cost would be $2,400 to perform sample. MOTION BY: Jason Fridrich SECONDED BY: Robert Baer To approve Houston Engineering Task Order for groundwater monitoring of well MW-47. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed C. North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality (NDDEQ) appointment of City Project Manager Solid Waste/Recycling Manager Aaron Praus presents an appointment of Mr. Praus to sign the municipal solid waste permit. He states this permit modification is renewed every three years but this time the permit will be renewed for 10 years. He states here are a lot of documents to be signed by the City. He is requesting himself to be appointed as the representative of the City of Dickinson to sign documents on the city’s behalf. MOTION BY: Suzi Sobolik SECONDED BY: Robert Baer To approve the appointment of Solid Waste/Recycling Manager Aaron Praus as the city project manager for the NDDEQ to sign permit documents. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed 7. PLANNING A. Reports: None 8. BUILDING/CODE ENFORCEMENT Reports: None 9. PUBLIC HEARING AND PUBLIC COMMENTS NOT ON AGENDA – 5:00 P.M. A. Dickinson Parks and Recreation Executive Director Introduction Mr. Benjamin Rae introduces himself as the new Parks and Rec Director. He states he has 25 years’ experience in the public and private parks and rec department. He is from Southern Utah and does enjoy it here. He is impressed of how much people are involved in the community and how they love to live here. B. Roosevelt Custer Regional Presentation Removed from agenda. C. Burns and McDonnell – Baler Building Addition Presentation Mr. Matt Evans from Burns and McDonnell gives a baler building addition presentation to include the existing facility, drivers for expansion, key objectives, design, cost and the next steps in the process. Currently this building sees 36 tons moved through the facility plus recycling. He states since 2002 the size of the fleet has doubled. Mr. Evans states reasons for expansion is the need for additional space and traffic. He presents a site plan which shows additional scales, public drop off sites, and cold storage for containers. He states the current cost for the building would be $8,383,395. Possible funding for the building could be GPT, Enterprise funds, low interest loans and the Recycling Infrastructure and Accessibility Act Grant. He states this grant will come into effect next fall. He states the next step would be for construction and completion in either June, 2024 or November, 2024. D. Public Hearing – Local Landmark Nomination for DSU Power Plant Museum Center Director Robert Fuhrman presents a resolution to add Dickinson State University Power House to the roster of Dickinson Local Landmarks. He states the power point was built in 2021 and is still a vital part of DSU. It was suggested that at DSU student help with the process of completing a historic preservation internship and would include nominating a building or site in Dickinson. Museum Director Fuhrman states Maddie Olson undertook this challenge and successfully delivered a thorough research. Director Fuhrman along with the Historic Preservation Commission request that the structure known as the Dickinson State University Power Plant be designated a Dickinson City Local Landmark, that recognition being via the Resolution now before this Commission. MOTION BY: Robert Baer SECONDED BY: Suzi Sobolik Adopt Resolution No. 27-2022. RESOLUTION NO. __27-2022 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR OFFICIAL RECOGNITION OF THE DICKINSON STATE UNIVERSITY POWER PLANT AS A LOCAL LANDMARK DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed E. Public Hearing – Rezoning Request – Klewin Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger presents a rezoning request for Klewin Subdivision which is from AG to RR on Lot 1, 3608 116th Avenue SW. This is in the ETZ zone. This is developed with single family residence with an accessory structure. President Scott Decker opens the public hearing at 5:50 p.m. Hearing no public comments, the public hearing was closed at 5:51 p.m. and the following motion is made. MOTION BY: Jason Fridrich SECONDED BY: Robert Baer ORDINANCE NO. __1760 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE DISTRICT ZONING MAP FOR REZONING AND RECLASSIFYING DESIGNATED LOTS, BLOCKS OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE ZONING JURISDICTION OF THE, CITY OF DICKINSON, NORTH DAKOTA. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed Rezoning Request – Klewin Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger presents Klewin Subdivision to be rezone from RR to AG. This is parcel is 22 acres. President Scott Decker opens the public hearing at 5:52 p.m. Hearing no public comments, the public hearing was closed at 5:53 p.m. and following motion is made. MOTION BY: Jason Fridrich SECONDED BY: Suzi Sobolik ORDINANCE NO. __1761 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE DISTRICT ZONING MAP FOR REZONING AND RECLASSIFYING DESIGNATED LOTS, BLOCKS OR TRACTS OF LAND WITHIN THE ZONING JURISDICTION OF THE, CITY OF DICKINSON, NORTH DAKOTA. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed F. Public Comments not on Agenda None. 10. COMMISSION Executive Session - Executive Session pursuant to NDCC 44-04-19.1 (9) and 44-04-19.2 1. City Administrator Contract - discussion MOTION BY: Suzi Sobolik SECONDED BY: Jason Fridrich To approve moving into Executive Session to discuss the City Administrator’s contract offering Mr. Dustin Dassinger the City Administrators position pursuant to NDCC 44-04-19.1 (9) and 44-04-19.2. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed MOTION BY: Robert Baer SECONDED BY: Jason Fridrich To return from the Executive Session. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed MOTION BY: Suzi Sobolik SECONDED BY: Robert Baer To approve President Scott Decker to discuss the City Administrators contract with Mr. Dustin Dassinger and to go forward with the offer as discussed. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote…Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed Interim City Administrator Dustin Dassinger states he has been serving as an Interim City Administrator of the past six months and states to the Commissioners that they know what he can do in this new role. Mr. Dassinger states he knows there is a lot of work to do and feels that there has been a lot of progress made. He feels there is team at City Hall that needs to be built and with onboard of Mr. Skluzacek there will be some transition. He states he came from a strong team at the Police Department for 11 years. He states that probably in five years there will be a new Public Works Director, new Police Chief and possibly a new Deputy City Administrator. Mr. Dassinger states that he has visited with many people and they have stated to him to ask for what he wants, stay strong and firm with this. Mr. Dassinger would like to have a decision sooner than later. He states the city staff are waiting for the decision. Mr. Dassinger needs to know where to put his energy. Mr. Dassinger would like to have a decision. City Attorney Christina Wenko states that based on Executive Session there will be a counter offer made and the thought process is that President Decker will visit with Mr. Dassinger to discuss and hopefully come to a decision. This agreement can be discussed at the next commission meeting. Also, another Executive Session could be had or a special meeting could be called. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY: Suzi Sobolik SECONDED BY: John Odermann Adjournment of the meeting 7:00 P.M. DISPOSITION: Roll call vote… Aye 4, Nay 0, Absent 1 Motion declared duly passed. OFFICIAL MINUTES PREPARED BY: Rita Binstock, Assistant to City Administrator APPROVED BY: Dustin Dassinger, Interim City Administrator Scott Decker, President Board of City Commissioners Date: September 20, 2022 __________ ALL FLAGS, LLC $150.57 ALLSTATE PETERBILT OF DICKINSON $2,853.07 ARAMARK UNIFORM & CAREER APPAREL GROUP, INC $85.07 AT&T $27.21 AXON ENTERPRISE, INC $3,060.35 B & K ELECTRIC $8,065.00 BAKER & TAYLOR CO (GA) $1,677.32 BALCO UNIFORM - POLICE ACCOUNT $1,290.94 BERGER ELECTRIC INC $2,489.88 BLACKSTONE AUDIO, INC. $141.00 BLAIN JARETT $157.50 BOESPFLUG TRAILERS & FEED INC $310.00 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY $182.83 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC $218.32 BRAUN DISTRIBUTING $81.50 BUTLER MACHINERY CO $1,269.31 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STORES $167.43 CENGAGE LEARNING $146.94 CENTRAL MECHANICAL INC $29,970.00 CONSOLIDATED COMM NETWORK INC $45.99 COVENANT LEGAL GROUP $1,160.00 DAKOTA FILTER SUPPLY $161.64 DENNYS ELECTRIC INC $45,805.83 DICKINSON PARKS & REC (MEMBERS) $2,605.66 DIRECTMED $547.32 EAST END AUTO (POLICE) $300.00 ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS INC $14,991.00 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC $19,009.50 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 $1,878.11 FLEETMIND SOLUTIONS INC. $1,015.00 FORUM COMMUNICATIONS CO. $60.06 GOOSENECK IMPLEMENT $244.53 GRAND FORKS FIRE EQUIPMENT $1,750.68 GROLL JANELLE $52.50 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS LLC $85.28 J J KELLER & ASSOCIATES INC $837.09 KAUTZMANN, DENAE H M $150.00 LEXIPOL LLC $9,017.40 MAC’S HARDWARE $158.33 MARTIN’S WELDING & REFRIGERATION INC $1,677.00 MENARDS $404.98 MIDCONTINENT COMMUNICATIONS $98.39 MIDWEST TAPE $139.43 MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITY $20,595.23 MOTOROLA $31,468.44 NAMENIUK, SHELLY $590.80 NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER $300.00 ND FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION $369.21 ND POST BOARD $300.00 NEWBY’S ACE HARDWARE $103.49 O’REILLY AUTO PARTS $60.94 OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL $35.00 OLYMPIC SALES INC $431.45 PUMP SYSTEMS LLC $74.75 RADISSON HOTEL BISMARCK $1,036.80 RAMSEY GARY D. $647.00 RICHARD KAYLA $157.50 RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC $58.73 SANITATION PRODUCTS $894.07 SAX MOTOR CO INC $43,000.00 SD LET $50.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO $274.62 SOUTHWEST GRAIN(BULK) $39,486.90 SOUTHWEST WATER AUTHORITY $730,180.01 STARK COUNTY AUDITOR $7,093.80 STREICHER’S $1,865.99 SURE SIGN, ROBINSON, KURT $592.84 SW DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT/ WATER SAMPLES $300.00 TOOZ CONSTRUCTION INC $314,392.50 TOTAL SAFETY US INC $86.00 TRACKER MANAGEMENT $6,164.66 TRI-ENERGY COOPERATIVE $44.26 UL LLC $7,800.20 USABLUEBOOK $116.15 WEILER, TODD $140.00 WEST DAKOTA VETERINARY CLINIC INC $138.04 WESTLIE TRUCK CENTER OF DICKINSON $2,564.55 WEYER, TENILLE $469.76 MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC. $171.81 ACCENT WIRE-TIE $2,556.87 ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS $3,316.08 ADVANCED COLLISION CENTER $8,120.87 ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC $15,401.67 ALLSTATE PETERBILT OF DICKINSON $621.64 APEX $55,583.60 ARAMARK UNIFORM & CAREER APPAREL GROUP, INC $383.04 AUTO VALUE, APH STORE $170.74 AVERS-DAVIS, HEATHER $42.00 B & K ELECTRIC $2,570.00 BAKER & TAYLOR CO (GA) $115.54 BERGER ELECTRIC INC $441.49 BIG HORN TIRE, INC $16,523.88 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY $49.56 BRAUN DISTRIBUTING $409.50 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION $717.50 BRAVERA INSURANCE $3,813.00 BURNS & McDONNELL ENGINEERING Co. $3,682.50 BUTLER MACHINERY CO $4,382.51 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS STORES $487.01 CENGAGE LEARNING $665.91 CENTRAL MECHANICAL INC $407.09 COVENANT LEGAL GROUP $3,055.00 DACOTAH PAPER CO $308.34 DAKOTA FILTER SUPPLY $401.43 DAKOTA TOOL AND MACHINE $70.00 DICKINSON FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION $380.00 DICKINSON TIRE INC $68.00 DIRECTMED $298.70 DONS FILTER & FURNACES UNLIMITED $1,065.36 DUANE BREN CONSTRUCTION $15,600.00 EGGERS ELECTRIC MOTOR CO $322.95 ELDER CARE $872.66 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 $67,053.92 FORUM COMMUNICATIONS CO. $1,034.88 GOOSENECK IMPLEMENT $389.70 GRAND FORKS FIRE EQUIPMENT $707.27 HARRIS WASTE MGT GROUP/CORDELE $847.31 HC3 $1,022.23 HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY $6,326.50 HIRSCHFELD, JOSEPH $202.50 IBS, INC—INDUSTRIAL BOLT & SUPPLY $516.23 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS LLC $82.46 J J KELLER & ASSOCIATES INC $1,325.67 JEROMES DISTRIBUTING INC $34.25 JOHNSON CONTROLS FIRE PROTECTION LP $448.94 JUST-IN GLASS $515.27 KIRSCHENHEITER, DEB $202.50 KLJ ENGINEERING LLC $966.84 KUBOTA MEMBRANE USA CORPORATION $75,500.00 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC $57.85 LIGHT & SIREN $674.96 LINDE GAS & EQUIPMENT INC $161.68 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES, INC. $577.47 LOGO MAGIC INC $284.00 MAC’S HARDWARE $79.10 MAINSTAY SUITES BISMARCK $259.20 MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC. $171.81 MENARDS $688.21 MIDWEST LABORATORIES, INC $68.16 MIDWEST TAPE $335.12 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB INC $182.55 ND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH $503.16 NEWBY’S ACE HARDWARE $935.05 NORTHERN IMPROVEMENT CO(DIX) $1,079,653.63 NORTHWEST TIRE INC $5,994.46 NOVA FIRE PROTECTION INC $170.00 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS, INC $2,445.00 PEARCE DURICK PLLC $901.00 PUMP SYSTEMS LLC $9.23 RAMADA BISMARCK HOTEL $432.00 RED ROCK FORD OF DICKINSON $673.48 ROCKY PLETAN HANDYMAN SERVICES $1,250.00 ROSENBAUER MOTORS, LLC $58.56 RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC $937.63 SAFETY-KLEEN $585.45 SANFORD HEALTH OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE DIVISION $449.00 SAX MOTOR CO INC $928.84 SCHOCH TYLER $50.00 SHUMAKER, RACHEL $224.00 SOUTHWEST GRAIN(BULK) $3,935.56 SPEE DEE DELIVERY SERVICE, INC $81.52 SRF CONSULTING GROUP INC $13,814.15 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ND $81.00 SURE SIGN, ROBINSON, KURT $8.50 SW DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT/ MEDICAL $595.00 SW DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT/ WATER SAMPLES $3,020.00 TITAN MACHINERY $7.05 TRACKER MANAGEMENT $3,002.97 TRAFFIC SAFETY SERVICES INC $5,005.92 TRI-ENERGY COOPERATIVE $43.23 ULINE $398.69 VAL’S SANITATION $644.00 WEST DAKOTA OIL INC $608.00 WEST PLAINS INC $98.54 WEST RIVER LODGE #5 $1,185.00 WESTERN DAKOTA ENERGY ASSOCIATION $4,750.00 WESTLIE TRUCK CENTER OF DICKINSON $124.13 WINN CONSTRUCTION INC $51,312.49 WINN-911 $1,782.00 CENTRAL DAKOTA FORENSIC NURSE EXAMINERS $51,485.15 US POSTAL SERVICE $500.00 REVOLVING FUNDS-PETTY CASH $281.61 COMMERCE BANK $23,170.96 (Sept. 21, 2022) 102807