The entry of Metso Outotec into the bulk ore sorting space arguably heralds the beginning of a new stage of market adoption – one that is focused on significant throughputs across multiple commodities.
In May, the mining OEM announced a collaboration agreement with Malvern Panalytical,
The Plate Magnetic Separator market research report provides a highly detailed analysis of the key growth trends that are anticipated to direct this industry's growth trajectory between 2022 and 2028. The report provides details on the growth catalysts, roadblocks, and other potential avenue
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Everywhere there are grinders. The number of available grinders is in the hundreds of thousands. Each is constructed with a certain goal in mind. Even those terrible cheap plastic ones. Travel, gifts, and daily grinding are
A worker is processing the black film waste at a factory in Qujing. Photo: Xie Wenting/GT
A pile of black film waste at a recycling site in Qujing, Southwest China’s Yunnan Province Photo: Xie Wenting/GT
A film product used in agricultural industry Photo: Xie Wenting/GT
This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.
GLEN COVE, N.Y.) - Members of the Nassau County Legislature’s Rules committee unanimously approved contracts on Monday, Jan. 11 that will clear the way for the Glen Cove Wastewater Trea is using a security service for protection against online attacks. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website.
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MAGNATTACK™ Global specialize in the manufacture of RE80™ magnetic separation equipment for foreign metal fragment control. RE80™ +11,000 gauss magnetic separators have been specially designed to extract and retain foreign contaminants such as tramp iron, work hardened stainless
UK: Bunting plans to promote its magnetic separator and metal detector products at the Powtech trade fair taking place in Germany in late September 2022. The company will be displaying a number of high-strength rare earth magnetic separators including its Plate Magnet Housing (PHMS), Drawer Ma
South Korea is localising a milking machine that will use a robot arm to autonomously extract milk, thus reducing burden off old dairy farmers
According to government data, more than 40% of dairy farmers in South Korea are aged more than 60 years old. They spend an average of 42% of thei