The new model is the largest in the Sweed PCR series and features fewer, yet more effective knives, the company says.
Gold Hill, Oregon-based Sweed has introduced a new single-shaft shredder, the model PCR1856, to its line of recycling equipment.
The new shredder is the larges
Sweed has added the PCR1856 single-shaft shredder to its line of recycling equipment.
The new shredder is the largest in Sweed's PCR series and features a 125 horsepower motor, 18-inch rotor diameter, 56-inch rotor length, and a 50- by 57-inch cutting chamber, functioning as either a pri
Sweed has added the PCR1856 single-shaft shredder to its line of recycling equipment.
The new shredder is the largest in Sweed's PCR series and features a 125 horsepower motor, 18-inch rotor diameter, 56-inch rotor length, and a 50- by 57-inch cutting chamber, functioning as either a pri
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O ne cold Thursday evening in late January, my roommates and I decided to stop by an unlicensed dispensary in the Finger Lakes region of New York. The place wasn’t easy to find, but thanks to a local news article, we managed to pinpoint th
About Filter | About The Influence Foundation
O ne cold Thursday evening in late January, my roommates and I decided to stop by an unlicensed dispensary in the Finger Lakes region of New York. The place wasn’t easy to find, but thanks to a local news article, we managed to pinpoint th
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Lifestraw is well aware of how important it is to stay hydrated, and its Peak Series of filtration systems has been setting new standards since debuting in March. Now, the brand is expanding the line with what it’s describing as the “most durable high-capacity gravity system on the