As more and more individuals see the importance of having a survival plan in place in a natural catastrophe or survival circumstance, emergency preparedness stores are beginning to surface more frequently. Most of us believe we will never be without power, food, or water. The reality, though, is that a catastrophic event could occur at any time, and if you’re not prepared, you and your loved ones could face dire repercussions.
Keeping your pantry filled with non-perishable items will go a long way toward ensuring your survival in an emergency. Based on how long you need to survive, eating the same packaged item day in and day out will become monotonous quickly. Survival stress can be further exacerbated by a lack of diversity in your food, leading to disease and illness. If you want to make sure that you and your family are well-prepared for anything, check out the My Patriot Supply online store.
My Patriot Supply (MPS) is an online survival equipment and consumables retailer. The company’s stated mission is to enable clients to achieve their self-sufficiency and emergency preparedness objectives by purchasing reasonably priced, high-quality products. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all other meals are available with various selections, allowing you to select whatever you want to.
This My Patriot Supply review examines the company’s mission, inventory, and more to decide whether or not they are a worthwhile investment.
So, read on! What is My Patriot Supply?
My Patriot Supply is one of the leading online retailers for emergency preparedness supplies. It has a vast selection of items ranging from freeze-dried food to water filtration equipment. The headquarters of this online store is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. It began in 2006 as an heirloom seeds-focused company and has since expanded into a full-service provider of emergency rations and self-reliance items.
My Patriot Supply is committed to ensuring that you have the same, well-balanced diet consisting of delicious and nutritious goods that are all shelf-stable and can stay fresh without degrading. Survival food is offered in enormous buckets for long-term needs and easily transportable individual packets for camping and hiking.
With a 25-year shelf life, you will be better prepared as you never know when you’ll need it, and their 72-hour kits are ideal for hurricanes or tornadoes that may cause a power outage. Since they do not expire for an extended period, your investment never gets wasted.
Brands such as Patriot Pantry, Alexa Pure, Patriot Seeds, and Colonial Concepts come under the umbrella of My Patriot Supply. The company also sends out a newsletter including survival education two to three times per week. It maintains a blog titled “Survival Scout Tips” that covers current and historical events as they apply to a preparedness lifestyle in the case of a natural disaster. My Patriot Supply Products
My Patriot Supply’s debut product was the Survival Seed Vault, which includes a DIY guide for planting, caring for, and harvesting the seeds and a large selection of individual survival heirloom seeds assured to last in storage for at least five years. Since then, My Patriot Supply has extended its stock to include home canning supplies and its brand of survival food, packaged in ready-to-eat meal portions that can easily be stored for over 25 years.
My Patriot Supply also supplies emergency water filtering equipment, including the gravity-fed Alexapure Pro® Water Filter, which removes up to 99.9999 percent of 206 recognized pollutants.
Their entire product line can be divided into the following categories: Emergency Survival Food Survival Items Water Filtration Survival Coffee Sprouting Seeds Air Purification
Now, let’s examine each category in further detail to see its offers. Emergency Survival Food
The MPS’ emergency food supplies are nutritious and provide a balanced diet. It is freeze-dried and preserved in Mylar bags of military quality. These meals, stored in airtight, portable containers, are easy to cook and ideal for power outages. Each lunch bag is resealable to allow maximum utilization of each dish. None of the foods include GMOs. My Patriot Supply survival food has one of the most extended shelf life of 25 years. This makes it unbeatable in the emergency food sector. Long-Term Food Storage
Living circumstances, such as relocating overseas for a more extended period or preserving seasonal items for the foreseeable future, may necessitate Long-Term Food Storage. You have the option of finding a storage room at home or getting help from a nearby storage unit, which may prove costly. To put it simply, finding the best and most cost-effective way to store things is no easy task.
In this regard, MPS offers the following products under the category of Long-Term Food Storage: 3-6 Month Food Supplies Fruit and Vegetable Mix Bundle Breakfast Kits Protein Kits Short-Term Food Storage
Food storage over short periods is an art that must be mastered. The objective is to have a rotation of foods ready for daily consumption and brief emergency. With MPS, Short-Term Food Storage is as simple as stocking your pantry with shelf-stable goods that your family already consumes. According to MPS, your short-term food supply comprises daily consumable cyclic meals. It is vital to stockpile at least 90 days’ worth of emergency food supplies for your family.
Its products consist of: Monthly/Weekly Food Supplies 72-Hour Kits Case Packs Bulk #10 Food Cans
With Bulk #10 Food Cans, MPS provides a reliable option to construct an emergency food supply and feed a large number of people in bulk. These enormous #10 cans are airtight and contain a range of delectable meals. Unopened cans can easily be stored for up to 25 years. Some last up to thirty years.
It includes the following items: Food Packs Hearty Soup Food Packs Emergency Baking Packs Emergency Staples Packs Breakfast Packs Individual Recipe Packs Special Emergency Food Kits
In a calamity, stocking up on emergency food will provide you and your loved ones with peace of mind. Consider including Emergency Food supplies from MPS in your disaster preparations for the initial week. They are convenient and can be easily prepared.
The following items fall under this category: Emergencies Crates Solar Powered Cooking Kits Fruit and Vegetable Mix Pack Protein Kit Gluten-Free Kits Survival Meats & Protein Kits
Survival Meat and Proteins pack is intended to provide energy and nutrients for one individual during a severe event. The hearty, protein-rich meals provided by My Patriot Supply are delicious and nutritious. Emergency meat and protein kits can be used for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Its products consist of: Protein Meat Kits Frozen Meat Packs Fast Food Kits Fruit & Vegetable Kits
Fruit and Vegetable kits from MPS are ideal for anyone who wants to experience nature’s enchantment. You can simply cultivate small tomatoes, wild strawberries, and chili peppers at home while simultaneously learning about them.
It consists of the following: Easy to make Snack Pack Fruit and Vegetable Kit Frozen Fruit Pack Case Pack Food Pouches
MPS case pack food pouches are ideal for breakfast, trekking, and emergency go-bags. You can readily obtain your preferred emergency food in bulk. You can buy Ready Hour case packs in large quantities without having to throw away what you don’t use right away. Each bag has an unopened shelf life of 25 to 30 years. This helps you keep the food fresh until you are ready to consume it.
Its products consist of: Protein Fruit and Vegetable Case Pack Gluten-Free Case Pack Frozen Meat Case Pack Gluten-Free Emergency Foods
This enormous cache of gluten-free survival foods is ideal for gluten-free households’ emergency stockpiles. This emergency food supply is packaged in a secure container with a 25-year shelf life, so it does not need to be replenished annually. Each meal is neatly packaged and ready to eat, making it simple to pack single-serve foods for camping or hiking vacations. Whether you’re seeking an entire breakfast-lunch-dinner supply or a single meal, you may rest confident that your food will meet your nutritional needs and conform to your specific diet.
Gluten-Free products include: Gluten-Free Food Kits Gluten-Free Fruit/Vegetable Kits White Rice Case Pack Chocolate Pudding Case Pack Survival Items
After an emergency, you may have to survive for several days on your own. Being prepared entails possessing enough food, drink, and other resources for several days. MPS survival kits are a collection of essential supplies that your family may require in an emergency. Survival Gear
Survival gear, or outdoor gear, is available via My Patriot Supply’s official website. This product line consists of gear or equipment that enhances safety, health, and effectiveness in the wilderness. Every piece of gear or equipment MPS offers will significantly increase the survival of whoever carries it.
MPS’ survival gear products include: Wild Fire-Starting Kits Multi-Functional Paracord Emergency Tenting Goods Waterproof Kits Cooking Supplies & Tools
Intelligent and straightforward cooking requires the proper equipment. My Patriot Supply’s cooking supplies work amazing. Instead of buying everything on the first day, you can steadily stock up on things that will make your life much easier. Having the essential culinary items in your kitchen cabinet can make your life much easier.
It includes the following: Outdoor Cooking Stoves Emergency Cooking Kits Cooking Goodies Cutlery Tools Power Generation & Emergency Lighting
With MPS emergency power generating and lighting supplies, you’ll be able to keep the lights on and the power flowing to your gadgets. MPS Solar-powered devices and equipment are cost-effective and don’t get burned. Whether or not you have solar panels placed in your home, numerous solar-powered devices deliver more sustainable energy that has their place. You can invest in various smart gadgets that will save you money and promote a greener lifestyle at home, from outdoor lighting and security cameras to computer keyboards and torches.
Its products are: Wireless Chargers Cooking Kits Lighters Rechargeable Flashlights Candles Stoves, Fuel & Lighters
My Patriot Supply provides a selection of items for making a fire quickly and cooking outdoors. You can easily find and buy a variety of fuels, lighters, and stoves that will simplify your life when camping or in an emergency.
Its products include: Cooking Fuels Stoves Rods Foldable Stoves First Aid & Medical Kits
A first-aid medical kit can help you effectively treat common injuries and emergencies. On the official website of My Patriot Supply, well-stocked first-aid kits are readily available for purchase. You also can customize your gear according to your activities and requirements.
Its products include: Radiation Dosimeter First Aid Kits Clot Powders Self-Reliance & Survival Books
You can add critical survival material to your home library with MPS guides. These books will educate you about self-reliance and food independence.
The following manuals are included: Survival Guides Medic Guides Cooking Guides Camping Guides Water Filtration
My Patriot Supply does not produce its water filtering equipment, but it sells Alexapure products exclusively on its website. These modern systems are ideal for both personal and commercial usage, and they are inexpensive solutions that can help you in an emergency. Alexapure Water Filters, Pitchers, and Products
The first and the most fundamental requirement for maintaining life is water. It is also necessary for healthy bodily function. Unfortunately, most of the water we ingest is not as pure or clean as it should be. The Alexapure Pro Water Filtration products efficiently resolve this issue. It eliminates hazardous substances like metals, lead, chlorine, and germs. Alexapure eliminates all dangers and leaves only the pure, reviving water we all require throughout the day. These items are suitable for survivalists.
Its products are: Water Filtration System Replacement Filter Under Counter Filter System Pitcher Water Filter Personal Water Filtration
My Patriot Supply also offers water purification tablets, drinking straws, and mugs. These drinking straws contain an integrated three-part filtering system that purifies water and eliminates up to 99 percent of microorganisms. These are an economical way to stay hydrated and prevent illness while trekking, camping, or in emergencies.
Its products include: Personal Water Filter Water Treatment Drops Water Treatment Tablets Water Storage Kits Water Pouch Case Water Containers
Water storage is a vital component of any survival handbook. In the event of a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or flood, the water storage containers offered by My Patriot Supply are ideal.
Its products include: Large Size Water Container Water Pouch Case Camping Showers Water Cups Survival Coffee
Your odds of surviving a crisis are much greater with coffee than without it. Coffee can help you stay alert and feel fuller, among other benefits. The military regards coffee as an essential product, so preppers should do the same. When the coffee in the grocery store runs out, only those prepared will be able to enjoy the actual “benefits” of being equipped with Franklin Finest Coffee. According to the MPS, Franklin’s Finest Coffee is a 30-year shelf-stable emergency survival coffee.
My Patriot Supply sells the following coffee-related items: Dairy Products Coffee Pots Coffee Mugs Sprouting Seeds & Micro-Greens
My Patriot Supply seeds have been stored in a cool spot for five years. These seeds are neither tainted nor genetically changed, and they produce plants with superior flavor and continuous harvests. Typical heirloom seeds are at least 50 years old, have typically been passed from generation to generation, and may be hand-selected by gardeners. The seeds of heirloom types can be preserved and replanted year after year, making them an excellent investment for future gardeners.
Seeding products Include: Seed Sprouter Seeds Starter Kit Sprouting Seeds Mix Fruit and Vegetable Mix Air Purification
The foremost prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle is the air free of pollutants. My Patriot Supply is aware of the issue and provides the answer with its air-purifying line. Alexapure Breeze True HEPA Air Purifier by MPS is always effective. This dependable air purifier uses HEPA filters to remove pollen, smoke, dust, and other contaminants from the room’s air supply.
This silent air purifying device focused on minimalism and energy efficiency. Thanks to the four-stage air filter method, any dangerous particles are easily removed, so you can feel relief whether you are concerned about the flu or Covid-19.
Its products include: Breeze Filter Replacement Pack Breeze Replacement Pre-Filter Pre-Filter Combo My Patriot Supply Refund Policies
Creating a stockpile of food and survival supplies can be expensive, so developing a budget and strategic plan is wise. For instance, the three-month emergency pack costs $897. My Patriot Supply asserts that they offer the lowest rates per calorie for their foods. However, you should still conduct independent pricing comparisons, especially if you already know the goods you require.
MPS also offers discounted items through the “Deal of the Day” option on the official website. Additionally, military personnel and first responders are eligible for a discount. The company offers free shipping on all orders of $99 or more inside the 48 contiguous states.
The company also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all purchases. This demonstrates the manufacturer’s confidence in the items’ quality. You may return unused or unopened items for a full refund, excluding our shipping and handling expenses, if the item’s seal is intact if it does not work for you. Please contact customer support via the following within 30 days of receiving your order to receive a refund. They will supply you with the return address for your goods. Email: Returns Address: 175 South Meridian Park Road, Suite A, Salt Lake City, UT 84104 My Patriot Supply Conclusion
When you think about emergency survival food, you probably envision tasteless, prepackaged products that provide minimal nutrients. This may have been accurate previously, but firms like My Patriot Supply have redesigned these meals and changed the whole concept.
My Patriot Supply sells food and survival supplies of superior quality at moderate pricing. They have a vast assortment of pre-made meals, cooking supplies, snacks, seeds, water filtration devices, and air purification units. They also provide everything necessary for off-grid living, including the means to produce and cultivate one’s food.
Online MPS reviews can confidently assert that the company is legit and products are top-notch. This brand appears to be the best option due to its extensive product range, high-quality customer care, and speedy shipping timeframes. As previously stated, it never hurts to have a stockpile of essential household items. No one can predict the future, so even a small supply can make a difference in an emergency.
Don’t wait. Check out My Patriot Supply Today!
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Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.
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