The revolving sushi bar circulates throughout the restaurant with various sushi offerings, such as tuna nigiri. (Emily J. Davis for Kura Sushi / Courtesy photo)
Conveyor-belt nigiri and robot servers are among the draws at Kura Revolving Sushi Bar, a Japan-based outfit that opened its first Orlando outpost at Vineland Point. It’s their second Florida location, but 39th overall in the U.S., offering more than 140 items including sashimi, nigiri, maki and more, along with items for the fish-free crowd, such as ramen and gyoza.
Officially, doors opened on Aug. 30, but a few pre-gaming days beforehand saw long waits as Orlando foodies lined up to be among the first to check the spectacle — and the food.
The new eatery is Kura's first in Orlando, second in Florida and 39th overall in the States. Its parent company was founded in Japan in 1977. (Emily J. Davis for Kura Sushi / Courtesy photo)
Out of the gate, says Orlando store manager Tony Laboy De Jongh, popular picks have included the Real Crab California roll, Texan Roll and seared beef with Yakiniku sauce, along with desserts like the Japanese-style soy milk donuts and taiyaki ice cream.
Table and counter seats are available, each within reach of Kura’s two-layered conveyor belt system, which circulates all manner of items continuously. Guests may pull randomly from the belt or place orders on tablets that kitchen staffers can fill and send directly to the table.
Robots! Kur-B, the KuraBot, delivers remote-ordered drinks tableside after servers program the guests' location. (Kura Sushi / Courtesy photo)
There’s also a specialized beverage server in Kur-B, a “KuraBot,” which is summoned when customers order using a tablet.
“Our guests’ faces light up with excitement when they see Kur-B roll tableside with their drink orders,” says De Jongh.
Innovative interactive play figures into the mix, as well. Kura’s Bikkura Pon system is comprised of a prize machine, touch panel and plate-disposal slot located at every table in the restaurant. Each is connected via sensors.
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Lauren Murakami, Kura Sushi spokesperson, explains: “The touch panel registers the number of sushi plates dispensed into the plate disposal slot. After every five plates inserted, a short animation plays on the touch panel and after every 15 plates inserted, a prize is dispensed from the prize machine.”
De Jongh calls it “eater-tainment.”
“We’re excited to be in Orlando and bring [Kura Sushi’s ] dining experience to this community that’s known for its numerous theme parks and major attractions,” he says. “There’s a ton of development happening here and Orlando is home for a lot of families that our restaurant caters to.”
More info: Kura Revolving Sushi Bar, 11579 Regency Village Dr. in Orlando, 321-401-6777;
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