July 22, 2022: Auction Calendar

2022-07-22 19:06:46 By : Mr. FRANK CAO

** auctions appearing in this week's newspaper

10:00 AM – Jeff Stemper Living Estate Auction. Includes new Milwaukee tools and accessories, used Milwaukee tools, equipment, chainsaws, recreation, collectibles, guns, equipment and more. Auctioneer is Bob Hagemann. Located at 34726 Janesville Rd., Mukwonago, WI. Websites are www.bobhagemannauctionrealty.com or www.auctionzip.com.

10:00 AM – Chuck & Jane Stevenson. Sale includes collector cars, engines, car parts, vehicle hoist, tractors, trailers, camper trailer, sailboat, canoe, shop equipment, tools, guns, antiques and collectibles, arcade games and more. The sale is located at 126 South Emerald Grove Rd., Janesville, WI 53546. George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC.  For a complete listing and photos, log onto www.georgeauction.com

10:00 AM – Liquidation Auction for G&R Equipment. Auction includes commercial real estate with 8,000 sq. ft. shop buildings, shop tools and supplies – including boring ill with digital readout, carbides, drills, taps, reamers, turntables, holders, gages, converter and transformer, hyd. pumps, flushing machine, and lots of scrap, plus much more. Also includes vehicles and other special items. Located at 7480 Old 141 Rd., Lena, WI. Preview Fri. 10 AM to 5 PM.  Yoap & Yoap Auction & Real Estate, Yoapandyoap.com, (920) 604-1704 for additional info.

9:30 AM  – 23rd Annual “Old World” Farm Auction @ State Auction Center, JN3660 State Rd., Jefferson, WI. Tractors, farm machinery, horse & farm collectibles, cattle & barn equipment, antiques & misc. Household items. Bill Stade Auction - www.StateAuction.com 920-674-5500.

Trucks, trailers and heavy equipment asset reduction auction. Features excavators, semi-tractor, dump truck, hydraulic roller, paver and much more. Open house held Fri., July 22 from 10 AM to 4 PM at E14125 County VV, Augusta. WI. Online bidding ends July 25. Hansen Auction Group Online Auction. Call 763-389-5700 for more information. Bid now at www.hansenauctiongroup.com.

7:30 PM – July Dairy Production Sale. Selling fresh cows – 1st and 2nd lactation. Grade & registered, freestall parlor cows, superb udders, low SCC, stall barn cows. Online bidding at cowbuyer.com. Sale located at Great Northern Sales Arena, Fond du Lac, WI. Check website for full details – www.reatnorthernsalesarena.com.

8:30 AM – Oberholtzer Auction Machinery Auction. Starting with small items followed by machinery at 9 AM. Includes Live-onsite and online bidding with equipmentfacts. Consign early to take advantage of our nationwide advertising. Auction includes tractors, hay and forage equipment, tillage equipment, vehicles, trailers, skid loaders and attachments, planting and spraying equipment, mowers, feeding equipment, sporting fishing, manure handling and general farm equipment. Located at W1461 Hwy 98, Loyal, WI. Sale conducted by Oberholtzer Dairy Cattle & Auction Co. office 715-255-9600. www.oberholtzerauctions.com.

Classic car auction – great selection, includes over 50 vehicles! Vehicles featured include a 1987 Lamborghini Countach Replica, 1957 Chevy Belair, 1969 Lincoln Continental, 1967 Ford Mustang, 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 XL Convertible Coupe and much more! See www.hansenauctiongroup.com for open house details – multiple locations. Online bidding ends July 26. Hansen Auction Group, call (920) 383-1012 for more information.

Bidding ends July 27, open house July 26 from 10 AM to 2 PM. This auction includes low hour tractors, hay equipment, skid steer, 4-wheelers and more. Over 450 items. Open house at 2428 32nd Ave., Woodville, WI. Hansen Auction Group. For more information, call 715-265-4656. Bid now at www.hansenautiongroup.com.

Estate Auction: Tractors, equipment, trucks, trailers and more! Auction features over 700 items, including John Deere Tractor with front loader bucket, Plasma cutter, feed welder, giant tools brand shop press, air compressor, hydraulic engine and tools, engines, auto parts, live edge lumber, scrap metal, vintage barn items and more. Open house held Monday, July 25 from 10 AM to 3 PM at N5244 County Q, Scandinavia, WI. Online bidding ends July 27. For more information call (920) 383-1012. Hansen Auction Group.Bid now at www.hansenauctiongroup.com.

11:00 AM – Advance Notice: Dairy Cattle Auction. Complete herd dispersal includes 80 Holstein and Crossbred dairy cows. Certified organic, (50) dairy cows, (30) Heifers, calves through breeding age. – Premier Livestock & Auctions. www.premierlivestockandautions.com for updates.

10 AM – Michell County, IA Land Auction.100 Acres selling in 1 tract. Stromley farm is in Section 16, Otranto Township, Mitchell County, IA. 7 miles northwest of St. Ansgar, IA or 30 miles northeast of Mason City IA. Diversified farm offers productive tillable farmland as well as awesome hunting and recreational acreage. Leora M. Stromley Farm, Jane Enerson, seller. Sullivan Auctioneers.com. Sold@sullivanauctioneers.com. Auction managers: Jim Huff (319-931-9292) and John Probasco (641-856-7355).

Business consolidation of farm implements, semi-trailers, tools, building materials, skid steer attachments and more – Over 325 Items. Online bidding ends July 28, open house held Mon., July 25 from 10 AM to 3 PM at 4360 Conifer Ct., Union Grove, WI. For more information, call (715) 539-6295. Hansen Auction Group. Bid now at www.hansenauctiongroup.com.

Estate Moving Auction. Includes farm equipment, lawn tractor, utility tractor, tools and household items. This auction includes over 400 items, featuring John Deere tractors, corn planters, plows, grain hopper, lawn mower, soilmaster, replica revolvers, collectibles, furniture, household items, vintage items and more. Open house held Thurs., July 28 from 10 AM to 3 PM at 2309 E Shady La., Neenah, WI. Online bidding ends July 28. Call (920) 383-1012 for more information. Hansen Auction Group. Bid now at www.hansenauctiongroup.com.

10:00 AM – Gary Luterbach Construction auction. Gary was in the cement business his whole life and his estate has decided to disperse his good collection of tools and equipment. Sales include trucks and trailers, skid steer, boom lift and additional equipment, supplies and more. See website for pictures – www.stadeauction.com. Located at S15 W33821 Wolf Rd., Oconomowoc, WI.

8:00 AM –  Large Farm Machinery Auction,  St. Anne Consignment Auction & Equipment Sale. Call today to have your equipment listed with us. Consign or sell to us directly with special rates for complete line of equipment. Max commission is $1,000.00.  Trucking, cleaning, & other services are available. (815) 427-8350 www.stanneconsignmentauctions.com.

10:00 AM – Farm Equipment retirement auction. Live and simulcast bidding is available through equipmentfacts.com. Sale includes combine/heads, tractors, equipment for cultivating, plowing, hoe and drill, truck, grain cart, trailer, and more. Sellers are Bob and Hayle Haley 815-478-3448. See website for detailed equipment info, flyer, terms, and photos. Sale located at 15345 W. Bruns Rd., Manhattan, IL. www.richardaolson.com - auctioneer website.

10:00 AM – Live and online farm estate auction sale includes tractors, combine and heads, grain cart, ripper, cultivator, monitor, trailers, four wheelers, sickle mower, and more! Sellers are John and Jodi Attig. Located at 4870 Wheelerwood Rd., Northwood IA. Call Kris Rugland at 641-390-0220 for more information.

12:00 PM – Live & online auction on the real estate and property of Jeff & Lorraine Trapp, 10980 Bestul Rd., Scandanavia, WI. 72.5-acre modern dairy farm to be offered in parcels. There will be an Open House Sat., July 23 from 11AM to 1PM. Farm machinery, special items, milking equipment. Online bidding at EquipmentFacts.com or ProxiBid.com. Sale conducted by Nolan Sales, (800) 472-0290. Visit NolanSales.com for photos.

August Construction, AG, heavy trucks and government consignment. Features over 75 items, including heavy duty septic truck, road tractor, dump trucks, dump trailer, vehicles, farm machinery and more. Open house by appointment only, multiple locations. Online bidding ends Aug. 2. Hansen Auction Group Online Auctions. For more information call 715-607-4088, bid now at hansenauctiongroup.com.

Skid steer, classic cars, plow trucks, zero turn mower, ATV, dirt bikes and wood shop. Features over 200 items. Open House Mon., Aug. 1 from 10 AM to 2 PM at 2567 40th Ave, Osceola, WI. Hansen Auction Group Online Auctions. For more information call 715-265-4656. Bid now at hansenauctiongroup.com.

10:00 AM – Timed online, no-reserve farm retirement auction. Bidding closes Aug. 3 at 10 AM. Inspection is Fri., July 29 from 10 AM to 3 PM. Highlights of the sale include tractors, combines, planters, chisel plow, rotary hoe, gravity wagon augers, scythe, trailers and other farm support items. The physical address is 1774 130th St., Rudd, Iowa. Lee & Sally Linderkamp, for questions call Lee at (19) 939-9141. Auction managers are Jim Huff (319) 931-9292 and Jeff Hoyer (319) 759-4320. www.sullivanauctioneers.com (844) 847-2161.

Farm equipment, recreational vehicles, trailers, lawn mowers and more. Nice selection of items. More information coming soon, visit our website for full catalog and pictures. Open House Thurs., July 28 from 10 AM to 2 PM. 1329 18 ¾ St., Cameron WI. Online bidding ends Aug. 4. Hansen Auction Group Online Auctions. For more information call 715-265-4656. Bid now at hansenauctiongroup.com.

Hull pottery. Huge collection-over 120 pristine pieces; 200+ pieces JD farm toys & diecast semi-trucks; beer signs & mirrors; Crucianelli M40 accordion with case; custom made wooden trucks; wood cane collection; antiques, collectibles, household & personal; much more. Online auction ends Aug. 4, 2022. Jones Auction Service, , Waupun, WI. www.jonesauctionservice.hibid.com.

10:30 AM – Combined estates and equipment lines auction. A diverse selection includes JD5055E MFWD, skid steer, loader, cab, weights, tree mover, bale spear, box blade, JD Gator CS, gas tractors, cookstove, and much more. Coming soon to www.mllernco.com with lots of pictures. Great food, great cause, reasonable rates for sellers, donations accepted with 100% of the proceeds going to the Tracy Corners school. Live/simulcast bidding available. Call Milo to consign or with questions at (920) 493-2501, Miller N Co Auction.

12:00 PM – 327-acre real estate auction, Larry & Bridget Mundth Farm. Live auction with online bidding available at www.gavinbros.com. Open House Tues., July 19 from 4 to 6 PM. Rare opportunity to purchase 327 acres in the town of Reedsburg, offered in 7 parcels. Parcel 1 is a beautiful home and dairy facility. Parcels 2-7 offer amazing building sites, productive agricultural lands, and excellent recreational areas. Full catalogue and parcel descriptions at www.gavinbros.com. Auction location: Reedsburg Country Club, 3003 E. Main St., Reedsburg, WI.

10:00 AM – George Helbig Vintage Tractor Collection: 1947 John Deere B tractor, 1936 John Deere Unstyled tractor, 1949 John Deere B, 1935 John Deere Unstyled A, 1944 Farmall H, 3pt hitch buzz saw, 8’ x 12’ flatbed, Sausage/Fruit Press. Sheridan Realty & Auction Co. 517-676-9800 SheridanAuctionService.com.

9:30 AM – Live onsite sale. Includes collector tractors, vintage hog oilers, vintage equipment, tractors, cultivators, sickle mowers, harvesting equipment, plows and more. Selling two rings for a period, be sure to bring a bidding partner. See pictures, listings and updates at www.auctionsbyobrien.com. Live sale location: County Road G, Marytown, WI. 920-960-0685.

10:00 AM – Bidding opens Aug. 9 and closes Aug. 16. All equipment will be at Gehling Auction Co., 27741 Hwy 16, Preston, MN for inspection. Ad deadline is Fri., July 29. Early consignment: Dawson Grabau Estate partial farm line with low hours, very clean equipment. To consign a farm line or a single item or for more info. call Gehling Auction Company at 1-800-770-0347 or email denny@gehlingauctioncom.

75th celebration of “Rootin’ Tootin’ Newton” - Home of the Newton Firefighters annual picnic with truck and tractor pulls, volleyball tournament, food, and large consignment auction: Selling in two rings small items & lawn equipment starting at 10 AM. Farm machinery starting at 12 PM the farm equipment auction. Space is limited for the actual auction site; a portion of offerings will be featured at bidspotter.com with simulcast live/online bidding. Miller ‘N Co. Auctions & Appraisals 920-980-4999 or 920-980-4995.

Now taking consignments for the August 26 auction, selling in 3 rings. Consign early, taking consignments until the lot is full. Visit www.premierlivestockandauctions.com. Located at N13438 State Hwy 73, Withee, WI.

8:30 AM – Hazelhurst Annual Fall Consignment Live-Virtual Auction. Contact us by Aug. 17 with your list for the sale bill/advertising. Consignments can be brought to the auction site between the hours of 7:30AM & 5PM (gates locked) Aug. 22-26 (Sat. Aug. 27 between 7:30AM am & noon), 29 & 30. We reserve the right to reject, loads will be screened. For  more information contact Lyle Hopkins, 815-441-1251 or 815-946-2660 or slpaspolo@gmail.com; John Hopkins, 815-994-1836; Lenny Bryson, 815-946-4120, Location Mrs. Sherwood Shank Family Farm, 17748 W. Milledgeville Rd., Polo, IL.

Breezy Hill Farms LLC. No Time Specified. Dairy has been sold, land rented, and Breezy Hill Farms will sell their fine line of equipment including planters, duals, harvesting equipment, forage equipment, packing equipment and more, simulcast online and live auction held. Watch for updates at www.millernco.com.