Food establishments in Greene County are inspected one to three times per year, depending on the type of food served, the population served, the difficulty level of food preparation, and past history.
Issues found during inspections fall into two categories: priority and non-priority. Priority violations are issues that can have a direct impact on the safety of the food and can lead to a restaurant getting shut down if they persist. Non-priority violations are usually centered on things like sanitation or building maintenance.
Here is information from the Springfield-Greene County Health Department regarding restaurant inspections over the past seven days:
Aldi Food Store #33, 1434 E. Highway 60, Republic. 04/18/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations found. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar, 2430 N. Glenstone Ave. 04/20/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 2. Observed multiple ceiling light frames partially detached and missing ceiling tile over cooling unit. Required to keep physically facility in good repair. Observed buildup on surface behind soft drink nozzles of soft drink unit. Required to clean unit as needed to prevent build up.
Apple Market, Deli. 04/15/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Keith was person in charge at time of inspection. The one refrigerator was adjusted down and was reading 41 degrees prior to exit. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Potato salad in front display refrigerator was 43 degrees F. Promptly adjusted down and unit was 41 prior to exit. Nonpriority Violations Found: 2. Observed: The back paper towel dispenser was empty when I arrived. It was refilled promptly by staff. Observed: Some areas of kitchen floor had substantial buildup and one area of walk-in refrigerator wall was not clean.
Baymont Inn & Suites, 3343 E. Battlefield Road. 04/14/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Bbc Cafeteria, 628 E. Kearney St. 04/20/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Chipped and cracked food utensils found on utensil shelf. Education given and corrected during the inspection. Nonpriority Violations Found: 2. Observed: Lights in dry storage room and light in kitchen hood system found not shielded. Observed: All exterior doors in kitchen and student sitting area you can see daylight along the bottom of the doors.
Bois D'Arc School Cafeteria, 10315 W. State Highway T, Bois D'Arc. 04/14/2022 - Re-Inspection; Result: Active. Lisa was person in charge and refrigerator had been replaced and was running 37 degrees F. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Bush Country Cafe, 3043 N. Fort Ave. 04/14/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 2. Observed: Back exterior door by walk-in freezer you can see daylight along the bottom. Observed: Outside of food containers found old date labeling sticker residue on them.
Casey's General Store #3010, 325 W. Cardinal Drive. 04/20/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 1. Hot water at hand wash sink took over 2 minutes to reach 100F. Adjust/repair to provide sufficient hot water. Boosters may be used where needed. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Conoco Phillips, 2540 N. Glenstone Ave. 04/19/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed on customer self-serve shelf, hard battery packs over hard candies. Corrected during inspection by staff reorganizing shelf where no battery packs are directly above the hard candies. Nonpriority Violations Found: 2. Observed missing tile and a tile with heavy water damage in the back dry storage room. Required that physical facilities are kept tin good repair. Observed men's restroom hand sink pluming leaking when in use. Required all pluming systems to be kept to good repair.
Dbd Expedia, 5000 W. Kearney Ave. 04/18/2022 - Re-Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
El Taco, 316 W. Kearney St. 04/14/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed a pan of beans and a pan of ground beef above 70F past the cooling process time frame of 2 hours. Education given and corrected on site by staff discarding both pans of foods. Nonpriority Violations Found: 1. Observed light shine through exterior backdoor frame. Exterior openings such as doors shall be self closing and tight fitting.
Fairfield Inn & Suites, 2455 N. Glenstone Ave. 04/20/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations cited during inspection. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Friend's Of The Zoo-Outpost, 3043 N. Fort Ave. 04/14/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Three vat sink found with inadequate water pressure.
Hampton Inn Springfield Southeast, 3370 E. Montclair St. 04/18/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Hillcrest Baseball Shack, 3319 N. Grant Ave. 04/19/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 2. Observed: No test strips available to check the concentration of the sanitizer. Education given Observed: Exterior door on facility is not self closing.
Kentucky Fried Chicken, 1808 W. Battlefield Road. 04/14/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed sanitizer for dishes and food contact surfaces not testing between 200-400 ppm. Used both inspector and employee test strips. PIC stated they will call to have sanitizer adjusted and will manually mix and test sanitizer until fixed. Adjust to provide sanitizer between 200-400ppm. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Kickapoo High School Baseball Concession, 3710 S. Jefferson Ave. 04/18/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
King's Asian Chef, 1336 N. Glenstone Ave. 04/19/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 1. Observed pre-cooked veggie food boxes on the floor of the walk-in freezer and single service item boxes on the floor of dry storage.
Peruvian & South American Food Catering, 306 E. Commercial St. 04/18/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations were observed during the inspections. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Reed Middle School, 2000 N. Lyon Ave. 04/19/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 2. Observed: Milk cooler #1 seal on the lid found loose. Observed: Exterior doors in student area you can see daylight along the bottom.
Republic H.S. Softball/Baseball Concession, 4370 S. Repmo Drive, Republic. 04/20/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Discussed requirement for test strip for chlorine sanitizer and hair restraint requirements. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Ron's Last Call, 1310 E. Kearney St. 04/20/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations during the inspection. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
S & L Donuts, 1011 S. Glenstone Ave. 04/19/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Mouse droppings in paper goods cabinets and on floor in kitchen area. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Steak 'N Shake, 2760 N, Glenstone Ave. 04/20/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations were cited during the inspection. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Subway #6081, 1085 E. Highway 60,Republic. 04/20/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Discussed cleaning frequency of ice machine. Priority Violations Found: 1. OBSERVED: Foods held at temperatures above 41F in prep cooler. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Taco Bell #026065, 405 E. Walnut, Willard. 04/14/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Tesa was person in charge at time of inspection. No violations were observed. Complaint investigated, but not found valid. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
The Drunken Monkey Bar & Grill, 1816 W. Division St. 04/18/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Some food containers found chipped and cracked. Education given and corrected during the inspection. Nonpriority Violations Found: 3. Observed: Kitchen hood found not clean. Observed: In kitchen employee personal belongings stored above single use articles. Education given. Observed: Mop found stored inside the mop bucket.
Truman School, 3850 N. Farm Road 159 . 04/18/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 1. Observed: Back exterior door in kitchen you can see daylight along the bottom and lower left side of the door.
Waffle House #1231, 4128 S. National Ave. 04/18/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed knives being stored unclean on magnetic strip holder. Knives pulled from service to be properly cleaned. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Walnut Grove School Cafeteria, 300 E. College St., Walnut Grove. 04/20/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Lezlie was person in charge at time of inspection. We discussed proper hair restraint. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 2. Observed: A few boxes of frozen food items were being stored on floor of walk-in freezer. Observed: Some boxes of single service items (lids and cups) were being stored on the floor of dry storage area.
Weller Elementary School, 1630 N. Weller Ave. 04/20/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. No violations during the inspection Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Wendy's #1061, 4939 W. Chestnut Expressway. 04/19/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Tim was person in charge at time of inspection. A complaint was also investigated with this inspection. A follow up visit will be made on 4-22-2022 to check on refrigerators and paper towel dispensers. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed: The vanilla frosty mix was 45 degrees F and salads in salad drawer refrigerator were 47 degrees F. These were promptly discarded or relocated depending on how long they had been out of temperature. Reinspection scheduled for 4-22-2022. Nonpriority Violations Found: 3. Observed: One paper towel dispenser was empty and another one would not dispense paper towels. One was refilled and other will be checked at time of reinspection. Observed: Some boxes of single service lids and cups were being stored on the floor. These were stored at least 6 inches above the floor prior to my exit. Observed: The return air vent in dish room was not clean.
White River Brewing Company, 505 W. Commercial St. 04/15/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Permitted with Reinspection. Priority Violations Found: 1. Observed backflow device on mop sink incomplete/missing a part. Required to have complete backflow or backsiphonage prevention device installed on the water supply system. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Willard East Elementary, 518 E. Kime St., Willard. 04/18/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Sandra was person in charge at time of inspection. Make sure Tiger Tails continue to monitor dates on milk closely. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Willard High School, 515 E. Jackson St Willard. 04/18/2022 - Routine Inspection; Result: Active. Renee was person in charge at time of inspection. Dish machine has a drip and gasket is on order and will be installed once it arrives. Priority Violations Found: 0. Nonpriority Violations Found: 0.
Ralph Green is a business reporter with the Springfield News-Leader. Contact him at, by phone: (417-536-4061) or on Twitter at RalphGreenNL