The ECUA Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) will remain closed a bit longer than expected following the failure of an essential piece of equipment in June.
ECUA received an update this week from the supplier providing the two conveyor belts needed to return the processing lines to service.The revised shipping date is August 22, approximately two weeks later than originally scheduled. Allowing for shipping from the west coast and installation time, ECUA now expects to restart the recycling facility on September 9.
ECUA is continuing to use the downtime for important maintenance that generally requires a facility shutdown on other equipment.
The second of two aging conveyor belts was slated for replacement in this fiscal year. The ECUA Board approved the $82,000 purchase of two new replacement belts at its February 2022 meeting.
ECUA is continuing normal recycling collections in the meantime.
“We urge our customers to keep in a positive recycling habit during this interruption in the recycling program,” Public Information Office Nathalie Bowers said. file photos, click to enlarge.
5 Responses to “ECUA Recycling Center Reopening Delayed As They Await Repair Parts”
What happened to good old American ingenuity? Surely some local contractor, an at home workshop mechanic or a deft smart individual could have come up with a temporary fix in a matter of a few days.
Like everything else the part are probably coming from China.
Meanwhile, the ECUA is still running the recycling trucks, and the regular garbage trucks on every route. Just pick it all up in the same truck, and save the wear and tear on equipment, This simple act of parking half the trucks until the recycling center is up and running would also work to lower the “carbon footprint” of ECUA operations. How about for once the ECUA shows and little common sense.
A Alex, you’re talking like ECUA is run by people with common sense, lol .ECUA is run by a bunch of stupid politicians who love to waste taxpayer money on business trips and training seminars. Not sure what they are training for, it’s certainly not to be able to think ahead and plan on things wearing out. All of this, and the voters of Escambia County continue to reelect them. Crazy. Just a thought… we pay for the coffee they drink in the morning, or is that “office supplies?”
This machine is always going down OR catching on fire. What is up with our recycling program?!?! Geez!
I carry an extra drive belt for my mower at all times. ECUA, SHOULD HAVE HAD A BACKUP BELTS TO. LOOK AT THE DOWN TIME SINCE THE OLD ONES GAVE OUT!!.(DUE TO FIRE?)
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Written by William Reynolds · Filed Under TOP STORIES
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