Danbury Rotary Club Holding a Shred Day September 17

2022-09-09 19:00:49 By : Ms. Kris Lee

The Rotary Club of Danbury is holding its next Community Shred Day on September 17, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Chuck’s Steakhouse parking lot located at 20 Segar St. in Danbury.

Residents and businesses from any town are invited to bring as many boxes as they like for a shredding cost of $10 each for boxes roughly the size of those that hold copier paper, and more for larger boxes. Cash or checks are accepted.

No appointment is necessary, and there’s no need to remove staples or paper clips from papers or documents. However, no plastic can be shredded.

The Rotary Club has been holding Community Shred Days in the spring and fall for three years and the money collected goes toward student scholarships and other local projects.

In all, about $15,000 has been raised to date through the shred days, which are facilitated by ShredSmart and its massive shredder.

Federal and state government agencies recommend shredding sensitive documents to protect against fraud and identity theft. The Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Advice division offers an infographic on what to shred and how soon, and the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection also offers guidelines for shredding or saving personal documents.

Recommended and most commonly shredded items include:

Credit card, debit card, atm receipts

Canceled checks (not tax related)

Any statements or documents not tax related that bear your signature, credit card or other account numbers, phone number, Social Security number, or medical or legal information

The Rotary Club of Danbury notes that other shredding benefits include helping clean out your home and business, and reducing what goes into landfills, as the shredded paper is recycled.

In addition the Community Shred Days and other initiatives, the club is also

known for its raffle, which is coming up soon and has raised more than $1 million for scholarships that have been awarded since 1988 and other philanthropic efforts.

The Danbury Rotarians also support local community organizations such as Ann’s Place, Regional Hospice, and St. Joseph Parenting Center, as well as international community projects through The Cornerstone Project and APROQUEN.

Visit the website www.DanburyRotary.org  for more information.

Caption: Rotarian Delia Leonardi, Vice President of Community Development for the Savings Bank of Danbury, with a Shred Smart employee.

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