James Madison University announces local spring 2022 graduates
Shenandoah University joining Common App for 2022-23 application season
Local man racks up adventures while traveling around the world
New health insurance provider approved for WCPS; superintendent reviews safety actions
Humane Society of Warren County seeking help with tomorrow morning yard sale
Out of Friday Closed Session, EDA announces Settlement Agreement with Linda Hassenplug in financial scandal civil case claim
Warren County: Notice of Personal Property taxes due
Supervisors approve 20-day extension on deadline to pay first installment of certain County Taxes
Town Council reviews $25 million in infrastructure improvements, recognizes scholarship awardees
Farms POSF board members, supporters ask supervisors hard questions on Sanitary District management transfer strategy
Town Talk: A conversation with Michelle Ross and Erin Rooney, Samuels Public Library
Town Talk: A conversation with Donna Settle, Alex Bigels – Front Royal Cardinals
Town Talk: A conversation with Andréa Ross, Warren County Habitat for Humanity – Gospel Music Fesitival June 4th
Town Talk: A conversation with Sgts Terry Fritts and Cindy Burke – WCSO Community Events
Town Talk: A conversation with Melody Hotek, Warren County Tree Stewards, and Lisa Schwartz, Beautification Committee of Front Royal
Hometown Faces: Meet Scott Reid
Hometown Faces: Meet Suzanne Silek
Hometown Faces: Meet John Marlow
Hometown Faces: Meet Harry Bowen – soon to be 100
WATCH: Faces of Our Valley – Selah Theatre Project, Glory Bea!
Meet the Candidates: Delores R. Oates, Virginia House of Delegates, District 31
Meet the Candidates: Merritt Hale, US Congress, 6th District
Lance Allen announces candidacy for Virginia’s First Senate District
Meet the Candidates: Robert Hupman announces for Virginia Senate seat in new District 1
Town Talk: A conversation with Bruce Rappaport, candidate for Front Royal Town Council
Middletown commemorates Memorial Day with Sons of the American Revolution
Warren Coalition offers free Secondary Trauma training
Humane Society of Warren County seeking help with tomorrow morning yard sale
SAR and ARC commemorate Memorial Day at National Cemetery
SAR commemorates Patrick Henry’s Birthday
Pre-trial hearing in William Luckey sex offense against a minor case again delayed as plea agreement negotiations continue
Update: April Petty awaits Judge’s decision on motion to dismiss EDA civil case seeking return of $125,000 received from Jennifer McDonald during 2016 home sale process
Joint motion to continue Luckey hearing toward what – trial date or plea agreement? RSW fatal overdose hearings also continued
POSF Inc. ruled subject to FOIA law in Chappell-White civil suit – ‘However’ evidence lacking for finding of violations
Florida man arrested in possible Front Royal human trafficking case involving minor
POLICE: 7 Day FRPD Arrest Report 5/30/2022
POLICE: 7 Day FRPD Arrest Report 5/23/2022
POLICE: 7 Day FRPD Arrest Report 5/16/2022
POLICE: 7 Day FRPD Arrest Report 5/9/2022
POLICE: 7 Day FRPD Arrest Report 5/2/2022
Legal Notice: Hydroelectric application has been filed with the Commission and is available for public inspection
EDA: Request for Qualifications for the provision of debt collection legal services
EDA: Invitation to bid; roof replacement
Special Commissioners Sale Saturday, October 5, 2019: Two adjoining tracts 42 & 41 acres
Town Notice: Curb & Gutter Project
Townwide line painting and thermoplastic for crosswalks, stop bars, and arrows will begin May 17th
No yard waste collection, public works office closed – May 18, 2022
Town Notice: Road Closure – Chester Street and Laurel Virginia Hale – May 9 – 11
Town Notice: Road closures – sewer repairs
Out of Friday Closed Session, EDA announces Settlement Agreement with Linda Hassenplug in financial scandal civil case claim
Update: April Petty awaits Judge’s decision on motion to dismiss EDA civil case seeking return of $125,000 received from Jennifer McDonald during 2016 home sale process
WC EDA explores property sales, LFCC intern program, and meeting notification updates
WC EDA takes no action out of Special Meeting Closed Session
Watch: Royal Examiner video of WC EDA monthly meeting of February 2022
Little civil consequence of more criminal prosecution delays in EDA case
County Supervisors change November meeting date – stay mum on Closed Session EDA litigation discussion
‘Ghosts of EDA Loans Past’ come back to haunt county supervisors
EDA gets McDonald company property as part of settlement agreement
EDA Finance Committee scrutinizes FY-22 Budget proposal, dynamics
Chamber welcomes Garcia & Gavino to Front Royal
Local Senior Center reopens with new location and new name
Quality Title moves to a new home in Front Royal
Grand re-opening & ribbon cutting at Royal Cinemas
NextHome Realty Select re-opens office in Front Royal
Warner leads bipartisan, bicameral group in introducing legislation to expand telehealth services
Senators introduce legislation to help first responders save money in retirement
Warner and Kaine announce $6.2 million in federal funding for Virginia college readiness programs
Warner & Kaine statement on bipartisan bill commemorate Moton Museum in Farmville becoming law
U.S. Senator Mark Warner: Senate’s failure to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act
Valley Health System welcomes new trustees, board leadership
LFCC President Kim Blosser awarded technology leadership award
Virginia Department of Veterans Services to host Memorial Day ceremonies across the Commonwealth on May 30
Port of Virginia secures all necessary federal investment for making Virginia the US east coast’s deepest port
Laurel Ridge partners with Opportunity Scholars to bring more education and career training opportunities to students
The Wildlife Center of Virginia works with Charlottesville orthopedic surgeon to save bear cub
Virginia House Delegates elect new leader
Governor Glenn Youngkin signs bipartisan legislation to expand health care coverage options for small businesses
Governor Glenn Youngkin encourages Virginians to prepare now for the 2022 hurricane season
Eight lives lost statewide in traffic crashes during 4-day Memorial Day weekend
Front Royal Cardinals vs New Market Rebels
Front Royal Cardinals vs Purceville Cannons
Warren County High School Graduation – Saturday, May 28, 2022
Warren County High School Class of 2021 graduation ceremony
Baccalaureate service for graduating seniors
Skyline vs Warren County: High School Boys basketball game livestreaming February 3, 2021 at 5:45pm
Skyline HS vs Warren County HS: Girls basketball game livestreaming January 8, 2021 at 5:45pm
Skyline High School Graduation – Saturday, May 28, 2022
Skyline High School Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony
Baccalaureate service for graduating seniors
Skyline vs Independence High School, February 12, 2021 at 6 PM in the third round of the Region 3B Basketball Tournament
Skyline vs James Monroe High School, February 9, 2021 at 6 PM in the second round of the Region 3B Basketball Tournament
Warren County Middle School vs Skyline Middle School – Girls Basketball, October 4, 2021
Warren County Middle School vs Frederick County Middle School – Girls Basketball, September 27, 2021
Warren County Middle School vs Daniel Morgan Middle School – Girls Basketball, September 23, 2021
Warren County Middle School vs Admiral Richard E. Byrd Middle School – Girls Basketball, September 20th, 2021
Warren County Middle School Academic Honors Ceremony – 8th Grade
Warren County Middle School vs Skyline Middle School – Girls Basketball, October 4, 2021
Skyline Middle School Academic Honors Ceremony – 8th Grade
Skyline Middle School Academic Honors Ceremony – 7th Grade
Skyline Middle School Academic Honors Ceremony – 6th Grade
Skyline Middle School vs Daniel Morgan, June 3rd – Girls Volleyball
Hilda J. Barbour Elementary School – 5th Grade Graduation Event
WATCH: E. Wilson Morrison Elementary School – 5th Grade Graduation Parade
WATCH: Ressie Jeffries Elementary School – 5th Grade Graduation Parade
WATCH: Leslie Fox Keyser Elementary School – 5th Grade Graduation Parade
Renting your cottage: what to expect
Buying an older home: points to keep in mind
Virginia’s median home price jumps $100k in four years
How to spot hidden defects
Warren County Market Report for April 2022 with Jen Avery
OPEN HOUSE: 159 High Point Court, Front Royal – This Saturday, April 2nd
House for sale: 159 High Point Court, Front Royal
House for sale: 104 Foam Flower, Lake Frederick
Property for sale: 425 N Royal Ave, Front Royal – Watch the tour!
House for sale: 361 Walnut Drive, Front Royal – Watch the tour!
Start your day with a smile
Start your day with a smile
Start your day with a smile
Start your day with a smile
Start your day with a smile
4 smart tips for exploring the used vehicle market
3 good reasons to try before you buy: new and used summer vehicles
When to buy an ATV
To Censor or not to Censor, that is a Difficult Question
The Cracked Acorn: Close and Saved
The Cracked Acorn: Old West
The Cracked Acorn: The Ark
The Cracked Acorn: New Day
Should I Choose Passion or Duty?
Why we should be ‘Babyish’ in Love
The School of Life: How to Stop Playing Games in Love
The School of Life: How You Can Be Too Clever
Looking Back: A Mothers Revenge – Hannah Duston
Ben Franklin and his miraculous lightning rod
The Year Without A Summer : “Eighteen Hundred & Froze To Death”
America’s veterans remembered and honored for their service across the years
How much do you know about Veterans Day?
5 meaningful ways to celebrate Veterans Day
5 ways to celebrate Veterans Day
The 11hour of the 11th day of the 11th month – Veterans Day 2020
House of Hope will be selling home baked treats on June 3rd
FRWRC CenterStage with Joanne Cherefko, Souls Tilled Like Soil
Warren County Market Report for April 2022 with Jen Avery
Rotarian Rob Grimm receives Paul Harris Fellow +4 recognition
Pours for Polio: Karaoke and 50/50 event for End Polio Now
Community Blood Drive to be held this Wednesday, March 3rd
Santa Claus is coming to Town, Warren County!
A “COVID Christmas” message from Santa
“Wreaths Across America Day” will be celebrated December 19th
Attention cyber shoppers: Support a Warren Co. entrepreneur’s dream and buy a Jarvis Handheld Vacuum online – free shipping!
Warren Heritage Society announces the publication of their newest book, “Coming Together”
Send bracelets to quarantined residents of Commonwealth Assisted Living in Front Royal through WeAreSPACE.org
Warren’s Heritage: Native American History-Part 10
Warren’s Heritage: Native American History-Part 9
Warren’s Heritage: Native American History-Part 8
Breakfast with Barry Lee – Dishing out ample servings of positivity, humor, and community spirit.
Put purpose first to produce the highest profits
Hiring practices: 3 tips for choosing the right interview questions
Low-cost tech solutions for your business
Book review: How to to craft the story of your business
Why is Microsoft buying up game developers?
4 tips for recruiting during a labor shortage
How to minimize job-interview stress
Interview question: ‘Why did you leave your last job?’
This summer, cool down with a cocktail
Make the classic Reuben sandwich at home
25 foods you should always have on hand
How to manage animal waste
Natural service vs artificial insemination
8 interesting facts about fish farming
Surgical intervention: The impacts of smoking on recovery
Should you buy glasses online?
What to do if you’ve been scratched or bitten by an animal
Does your child need orthotics?
4 annuals that will add height to your flowerbeds
3 good reasons to play golf this summer
How to build a sandcastle
Stay at an outfitter this summer
6 tips for renovating your foyer
4 tips for assisting an elderly relative from a distance
3 tips for finding love after you retire
What you should know about hematomas in the elderly
3 services offered in retirement homes
4 animals that can regrow body parts
Can you give your cat milk?
Why you should clean your cat’s ears
How to prevent food poisoning in birds
“I’m not happy in a tiny tank”
5 benefits of freeze-dried cat food
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Skip the diet and celebrate body diversity
You often see cats drinking milk in books and movies. A child rescues a hungry cat and gives it a saucer of milk, and the cat laps it up with pleasure. But is this the right thing to do? According to the experts, the answer is no. Here are a few reasons why.
Essential enzyme Kittens can digest their mother’s milk because they’re born with a specific enzyme that allows them to break down lactose, a form of sugar, efficiently. However, as they get older, most cats lose this enzyme and can no longer properly digest milk.
Various health problems If an adult cat eats high-quality food and gets plenty of freshwater, it doesn’t need to drink milk. Drinking this fat-rich substance can trigger a variety of ailments, including obesity and diarrhea. Milk is especially harmful if your furry friend is allergic to milk proteins or can’t properly digest lactose.
In short, if you feed cow’s milk to your adult cat, it may enjoy it at first but will suffer digestive issues and other health problems later. Consult your vet to determine what’s safe to feed your cat.
Why you should clean your cat’s ears
Your cat has some surprising things to share.
What to do if your cat refuses to use their litter box
MEW Year adoption special by Winchester SPCA, January 12-14
How much does it cost to own a cat?
Should your new cat be allowed to roam outdoors?
5 popular types of purebred cat
How to find a vet for your exotic pet
What to do if your cat meows all night
Diabetes in cats and dogs
Cats are known for being great self-groomers. If your cat has short hair, you may think you don’t need to do anything to keep it clean. However, ensuring their ears are clean is vital to their overall health. Here’s why it’s essential to clean your cat’s ears regularly.
Neglecting the cat’s vulnerable ears can lead to poor health consequences. Routine ear cleaning helps get rid of ear¬wax, debris, bacteria, yeast, and parasites that can lead to a host of pro¬blems, including:
• Ear infections • Ear mite infestations • Hematomas • Hearing loss
If its ears are compromised, your cat’s quality of life suffers. Your little pet may experience pain, loss of balance, or disorientation.
Therefore, you should inspect and clean your cat’s ears at least once a month. Purchase an ear cleaning solution specially designed for cats and carefully follow the instructions on the label.
If you suspect your cat has an ear problem, consult your veterinarian immediately.
Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for birds to get food poisoning. In many cases, it can be fatal. Here’s how you can prevent your feathered friend from getting sick.
Prevention Many human foods are dangerous to birds. Giving your bird a sip of coffee, a piece of chocolate, or a potato chip can be harmful. Certain plants like onions and avocados may seem harmless but should not be in your bird’s diet. You should only feed your bird foods recommended by your veterinarian. Remove uneaten food from your pet’s cage regularly to prevent mold and bacteria growth.
Do you let your bird fly freely around the house? If so, never leave any potentially harmful food within reach. Your home may be full of hazards, including cleaning products and toxic houseplants.
Finally, many birds use cage accessories like toys and perches to sharpen their beaks or relieve boredom. Make sure these items consist of safe materials.
Symptoms Despite your best efforts, your bird may swallow a harmful substance. Here are some of the symptoms associated with food poisoning:
· Loss of appetite · Shivering · Convulsions · Fluffed up feathers · Lethargy · Vomiting or diarrhea · Rapid, labored breathing
If your bird’s behavior changes suddenly, consult your veterinarian immediately.
If it could talk, your betta fish could teach you some amazing things.
Ever since you adopted me, I’ve noticed you admiring my shimmering colors and fluttering fins. On the other hand, I don’t think I’m wrong in saying that you don’t know everything you need to know about me. I’m happy to tell you these important facts about my species.
First, you should know that although betta fish are often placed in small glass jars (because we’re tough and pretty, I guess), we need ample space to feel our best. If you want me to live a long and happy life of up to eight or even ten years, I need a large rectangular or square aquarium with at least four gallons of 77 F water.
You may have noticed I like to go back and forth between the surface of the water and the bottom of my tank. I’ll be thrilled if the distance is about six inches. And be careful: my aquarium must have a lid to prevent me from jumping out onto the floor.
Next, I would like to tell you that I like to eat floating pellets made for my species. But I also enjoy variety, like occasional freeze-dried or frozen larvae or worms. Yummy!
Finally, I’ll remind you that although my nickname is the Siamese fighting fish, I’m quite peaceful. I only get defensive if you encroach on my territory.
I look forward to continuing to dazzle you for years to come.
Bloop bloop (I’m sending you a few bubbles to say “Hi”)!
Are you familiar with freeze-dried cat food? This preservation process involves flash-freezing raw food to remove moisture and bacteria. The food is then sealed in air-tight packaging. When it’s time to feed your cat, you simply rehydrate the meal with water to restore its natural texture. Here are five benefits of feeding your cat this type of food.
1. It has a long shelf life Freeze-dried cat food has a long shelf life. Consequently, you can stock up on several months’ worth of meals when it’s on sale.
2. It’s nutrient-dense The process of freeze-drying doesn’t affect the food’s nutritional value. Once rehydrated, the ingredients are as nutrient-dense as they were when fresh.
3. It’s convenient Freeze-dried cat food is shelf-stable. This means it doesn’t need to be frozen or refrigerated. At feeding time, all you have to do is pour warm water over the food to rehydrate it.
4. It’s delicious Freeze-dried ingredients retain their taste and appearance. Additionally, they don’t contain any chemical preservatives or additives. Consequently, you can feel good knowing your cat is eating delicious, healthy food.
5. It’s easy to transition to Rehydrated food is very similar to raw food. Therefore, if your cat already eats a raw diet, you won’t have any trouble getting it to eat freeze-dried food.
Visit your local pet shop to buy freeze-dried food for your cat.
Do you want to purchase a few laying hens for your backyard? If so, here are three things you should know about keeping chickens.
1. Cost Apart from the cost of feed, chickens need a large coop to ensure they don’t fight with each other. Additionally, if you live in a cold climate, you’ll need to purchase heat lamps to keep your chickens warm in the winter.
2. Care Like any other pet, chickens require regular care. You must feed them and provide fresh water twice a day. You also need to frequently clean their coop to prevent the spread of diseases.
3. Eggs Hens usually lay one egg every day or every other day. Healthy chickens lay eggs most reliably in their first two to three years. After that, egg production tapers off. Therefore, you must plan for what you’re going to do once this happens.
Every municipality has its own regulations for owning chickens. Consequently, make sure you gather all the information you need before you decide to adopt these pets.
It’s important to handle your pet snake with care. Here are a few tips for holding your cold-blooded companion.
• Timing. Don’t handle your pet snake the first five days after bringing it home. Give your pet reptile time to adjust to its new environment. You should also refrain from handling your snake after feeding it or when it’s molting.
• Wash your hands. Always wash your hands before and after touching your snake. This will ensure you eradicate any germs that could harm you or your pet.
• Be mindful of the head. Never grab your pet snake by the head or neck, as this could cause serious injury. Additionally, the snake could struggle and try to bite you.
• Be gentle. Don’t hold your snake too tightly. Moreover, avoid making sudden gestures. This could stress out your snake and cause it to exhibit defensive behaviors.
• Provide support. Pick up your snake from the midbody. It’s a good idea to use two hands to provide ample support. Pet snakes tolerate handling better when they feel safe and secure.
• Stay alert. Snakes can be unpredictable and often act on instinct. Therefore, always stay alert and think of your pet’s safety first.
Do you want to adopt a snake? If so, find out which species are more tolerant to handling before you decide to bring one home.
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