A couple enjoys some of the "Best Ribs in the East" during the 2016 I Love BBQ and Music Festival in Lake Placid. (News photo — Andy Flynn)
LAKE PLACID — Despite a hit from the coronavirus pandemic a couple of years ago, the I Love BBQ and Music Festival is still around and still raising money for the Shipman Youth Center.
In 2020, the festival held a three-day drive-in movie festival at the North Elba Show Grounds on Labor Day weekend, instead of the usual Fourth of July event held annually until 2019 at the Olympic Speedskating Oval. Last year, the festival came back at the show grounds on Labor Day weekend, and this year it continues to grow, according to organizer Dmitry Feld.
With 24 barbecue competition teams — three from Canada — the I Love BBQ and Music Festival is now the only Kansas City Barbeque Society sanctioned event in New York. The other KCBS-sanctioned events went away during the pandemic and haven’t yet returned.
“If you remember, last year we barely got 15 (teams), so this year is good,” Feld said.
All of last year’s teams were from the United States since the Canadian border was still closed for non-essential travel due to the pandemic. In 2019, 15 of the 43 teams came from Canada.
Here is the 2022 I Love BBQ and Music Festival poster artwork designed by Saranac Lake artist John "Doc" Ward. (Provided art)
“I’m working very hard to rebuild,” Feld said.
The bottom line is the festival needs to raise money for the Shipman Youth Center. Over the past 15 years, the event has raised $325,000.
“If we can do between $20,000 and $30,000, it would be great,” Feld said. “The whole festival is a third of our (youth center’s) budget.”
Some of the event’s highlights will include opportunities to taste barbecue treats from American and Canadian teams, professional wrestling, performances by the BMX Krusher Stunt Team, children’s attractions and musical acts such as the North Country’s own Gibson Brothers, known mostly for their award-winning bluegrass style.
The cost per person is $6, and free for children under 10 years old.
Andy King of the Bastey Boys Barbecue Brigade mops sauce on his pork ribs during the 2014 I Love BBQ and Music Festival. (News photo — Andy Flynn)
Due to the Gibson Brothers performance from 7:30 to 9 p.m., the entry cost per person is $15 on that evening.
Since the festival is no longer on school property at the Olympic Speedskating Oval, the festival can now offer a beer concession, which is expected to bring in more visitors.
1 p.m. — Gates open (U.S. and Canadian national anthems played)
1-2 p.m. – Music performance, The Apollos
2-3 p.m. — Music performance, TBA
3-3:45 p.m. — Music performance, Mad Dog
4-4:45 p.m. — Music performance, Sven Curth
5-5:45 p.m. — Music performance, Ersa and the Major Key
5-5:40 p.m. — Top chef food presentation
6-6:20 p.m. — Freestyle BMX bikes, Krusher stunt team performance
7:30-9 p.m. — Music performance, Gibson Brothers
6 p.m. — KCBS steak competition
Noon to 12:45 p.m. — Music performance, Crosswinds Jam Band
1-1:45 p.m. — Music performance, Scott Sileo
1-2:30 p.m. — The Best Ribs in the East — People’s Choice Award — Buck a Rib (public tasting event; ribs prepared by competitive teams)
2-2:20 p.m. — Freestyle BMX bikes, Krusher stunt team performance
2:20-3 p.m. — Music performance, Julia Rose Studio
3:20-4 p.m. — Music performance, JT Cubbanah
4:20-5 p.m. — Music performance, Crooked Bricks
5:20-6 p.m. — Music performance, Larry Stone
6-6:20 p.m. — Freestyle BMX bikes, Krusher stunt team performance
6:20-7 p.m. — Music Performance, Carl Rubino
7-8:30 p.m. — Performance Arts Connection presents professional wrestling with stars like Crusher Bigelow (Hardcore Icon), Scrap Iron (The Iron Man of PAC) and others
7 p.m. — Award ceremonies for Best Ribs in the East, Quinn Family Barbecue & Hot Sauce Competition, KCBS steak competition
11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. — Performance Arts Connection presents professional wrestling with stars like Crusher Bigelow (Hardcore Icon), Scrap Iron (The Iron Man of PAC) and others
Noon — KCBS-sanctioned event begins (chicken, ribs, pork butt, beef brisket)
12:40-1:20 p.m. — Music performance, Pat Duffy
1-1:20 p.m. — Freestyle BMX Bikes, Krusher stunt team performance
1:20-2 p.m. — Music performance, Dos En Uno
2:20-3 p.m. — Music performance, All Without the Bass
3:20-4 p.m. — Music performance, Austin and the Laws
4 p.m. — Award ceremonies and raffle drawing: first place, $1,500; second place, $1,000; third place, $1,000. Each category $500. Total cash prizes $9,000.
To purchase raffle tickets, $50 each (only 300 tickets sold), visit online at www.shipmanyouthcenter.org, press donate, purchase ticket and we will send your ticket number.
5 p.m. — Event ends but gates remain open for food sales until vendors close
For more information about the I Love BBQ and Music Festival, visit www.ilbbqf.com.
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