As rising car prices continue, 7 things you should do to keep your old vehicle running like new -

2022-07-29 19:16:20 By : Mr. Daniel Tian

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — A shortage of computer chips and other necessary parts has reduced the supply of new vehicles available and increased demand — allowing dealers to raise prices.

So now is not best time to buy a new vehicle. Instead, you might want to invest in the one you already have.

Auto parts stores and websites are brimming with products you can replace yourself to keep your current vehicle running well and looking good.

From tires and belts to coolant and batteries, here’s a look at seven things you should probably replace or upgrade if you’re planning to hold on to your older vehicle:

A battery is one of the first things to go on your existing vehicle, potentially leaving you stranded. (Courtesy of DieHard)

If your car’s battery is four or five years old, it’s time for a new one, experts advise. As your car’s battery ages, the chances of it failing increase, potentially leaving you stranded at in inconvenient time or unsafe location. Replacing a car’s battery isn’t difficult and should definitely be done if the battery is getting on in age.

Engine oil allows the moving parts to operate smoothly. Over time, it will become dirty and cluttered with contaminates. Fortunately, cars have oil filters. The filter purifies the oil and prolongs its effectiveness. But, over time, it becomes less effective. That’s why it’s important to replace your oil filter every six months, along with your engine’s oil. Engine oil is easily replaced, without the need for a mechanic. Draining the old oil and replacing it is one of the most important things you can do to keep your car in good working order.

Your car's air filter needs replacement if your engine is to run properly.

Every car’s engine has an air filter. The air filter catches airborne particles and makes it easier for your car to burn fuel efficiently. This air filter replacement is inexpensive and should be done every six months. It is easily accomplished by most car owners. Be sure to replace your car’s air filter to keep it running smoothly.

Coolant is responsible for keeping your engine running smoothly. It should be replaced fairly often.

Coolant keeps your engine from overheating. Be sure to replace your coolant regularly, because if you car overheats often it can cause more serious and costly damage to your vehicle. Coolant is relatively inexpensive, usually less than $25 a bottle. An overheating engine can bring your car to a stop, and if the problem goes unchecked, it’ll end up in the shop. Check your vehicle’s coolant levels regularly and fill up whenever needed, or you might end up stranded.

Your fan belt is responsible for keeping your power steering working. If it sqeaks, replace it quickly.

Your fan belt will let you know when it needs to be replaced — it’ll squeak. This rubber band keeps your power steering running. Without it, you’ll be stuck on the side of the road. It’s simple. If it squeaks, replace it. Better safe than sorry.

When the tire’s tread depth is worn too low, the water can’t be channelled away, which leads to what’s known as “hydroplaning,’' a dangerous situation which a car slides uncontrollably on the surface of the road. (Staten Island Advance/Jan Somma-Hammel)

The expected life of a tire is five years, with ordinary use. Though many of us neglect our tires or forget to keep them rotated, reducing their lifespan. Badly worn tires pose a danger in wet or snowy conditions, as tractions is greatly reduced. The tire treads help channel road water out and away from the tires in wet conditions, so that your tires can keep optimum contact with the road. When the tire’s tread depth is worn too low, the water can’t be channelled away, which leads to what’s known as “hydroplaning,’' a dangerous situation in which a car slides uncontrollably on the surface of the road.

Brake rotors prevent your brakes from overheating during use. However, over time, friction causes the rotors to wear down. If your brake rotors are too worn, you run the risk of brake failure. Listen for squeaks and grinding noises or a feeling of pulsing or shaking when braking. This indicates a need for new brake rotors immediately.

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