**auctions appearing in this week's newspaper
8:00 AM – Stateline Consignment Auction. Looking for quality used farm equipment. Onsite and online bidding will be available. Visit www.powersauction.com for more details. Call and schedule an appointment today with Mike 608-214-5761.
9:00 AM – Upcoming auction with live onsite and simulcast bidding at CA Tesch Equipment. The sale will consist of a nice mixture of approx. 250 pieces of farm equipment. Location: W2374 Hwy 10, Brillion WI, online bidding through equipmentfacts.com and proxybid.com. Forest Junction Consignment Auction 920-989-4000. Visit wilkinsonauctions.com or catesch.net for listings and photos.
11:00 AM – Doug & Shirley Rabe Dairy retirement auction, 6915 W. Butler Rd. Janesville, WI. After 37 years or dairying, Doug & Shirley have decided to retire from milking, and are offering their fine herd of 87 Holstein dairy cattle. 87 head of cows averaging 81 lbs. daily with 3.88%F 3.03%P SCC 95-120 in the tank. For information on cows and equipment see ad or visit https://www.stadeauction.com/# or call 920-674-3236.
9:00 AM - Annual Fall Farm Machinery Consignment Auction, Auction Specialists Site Sale, W5659 County Y, Fond du Lac. Accepting consignments. Consignments forms are available by calling 920-921-2901or visiting www.auctionsp.com.
9:00 AM – Consignments wanted for Carley Sales fall machinery consignment auction at E7019 Swamp Rd., Marion, WI. Consigned items posted at www.carleysales.com. No consignments accepted Sept. 23 and 24. Conducted by Carley Sales, Inc.,715-754-5292 or 715-853-1207.
10:00 AM – A Bunczak sale on the Jaes Blume Estate. Live auction includes tractors and farm machinery, ginseng and maple syrup, special items, and much more. For photos visit www.bunczak.com. Conducted by Bunczak Real Estate & Auctions, (715) 341-2306. Sale located at 225401 County B, Marathon, WI.
11:00 AM – Auction includes lifetime collection of rare cars, tractors, parade items and more. Located at 24218 Flat Iron Rd., IL 60033. To see sale items visit https://www.auctionzip.com/Listings/3708224.html. For info. call Alten Farms: Denny 815-262-6269 or Harry 815-262-1872; Gordon Stade, 847-514-2853 or Mike Stade, 920-723-2520.
9:00 AM – Annual Fall Farm Machinery Consignment Sale at W5659 County Y, Fond du Lac, WI. More info & consignment forms visit www.auctionsp.com or call 920-921-2901. Consignments accepted until Fri., Sept. 23 at noon.
10:00 AM – Jeff Morrissette Auction, at W5721 Harvey Rd., Poynette, WI. Very few small items. This is an exceptional line of used farm equipment. To view items and information visit www.ritgerdrendel.com. Auction conducted by Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialist. Sale mgr. James Seamonson, 608-575-3325.
9:00 AM – Live auction includes bicycles, toys, antiques and collectibles. Sale located at N2494 Yoder La., Wautoma WI. For a complete list visit YoderSold.com. Yoder Auction, LLC 920-787-5549 or 920-295-2644.
10:00 AM – Breuer & Fell Electric retirement auction. After 60 years in the electric contactor’s business, doors are closing, and they are retiring. A lot of inventory is available, including vans, trailers, specialty equipment and more. Located at 160 Industrial Dr., Burlington, WI. Auctioneer Bob Hagemann 262-492-5125 and bobhagemannauctionrealty.com.
10:00 AM – Yoap's Auction Gallery toy auction. Includes John Deere signs, porcelain signs, farm toys and more. For a full listing and bidding information visit www.yoapandyoap.com. Located at 6234 Duame Rd, Lena, WI. Yoap & Yoap Auction & Real Estate 920-604-1704.
11:00 AM – Breezy Hill Farms LLC. Dairy has been sold, land rented, and Breezy Hill Farms will sell their fine line of equipment in this dairy retirement auction. Location: E4399 Bartel Rd., Weyauwega, WI. Watch for details, pics, and full listing at www.millernco.com. Sale conducted simulcast live & online by Miller ‘N Co. Auctions & Appraisals 920-980-4999 or 920-980-4995.
Equipment Auction. Consign early to take advantage of our nationwide advertising. Sale includes tractors, skid loaders, tillage, planting, hay and forage equipment, tools and more. Visit www.oberholtzerauctions.com for a complete list. Watch sale online at www.cattleusa. Conducted by Oberholtzer Dary Cattle & Auction Co. W1461 Hwy 98, Loyal, WI. 715-255-9600.
10:30 AM – Purebred registered Holstein & Top dairy herd retirement auction. Live and online at gavinbros.hibid.com. Miller’s Nine-Pines Dairy, 10565 Mayflower Rd., Milladore, WI. Info and auction catalog at www.gavinbros.com. Auction by Gavin Bros. www.gavinbros.com.
11:00 AM – Special monthly dairy heifer auction. Call with heifer consignments, see www.premierlivestockandauctions.com for full details. Located at N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI. Online bidders and buyers register at cattleusa.com. Call Premier Livestock & Auctions, LLC at 715-229-2500 for info.
10:00 AM – Harlin Miller Estate Dora Miller. Sale includes articulating loader, tractors, machinery, shop equipment, tools, antiques & collectibles and more. George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC. 608-882-6123. For complete listings and photos visit www.georgeauction.com. Sale location: 17733 Croft Rd., Evansville, WI.
Unreserved online auction, no start time specified. Linda Block Retirement, Monroe, WI. Contact Linda Block at 608-426-4091 or Cody Rufer at 608-214-4670. Items include 1982 White 20119 2WD tractor, Hesston Stak hand 10 Forage Stacker, Gehl 1065 Pull Type Forage Harvester, and more. View listings on bigiron.com. Call 800-937-3558.
11:00 AM – Complete herd dispersal, expecting over 300 Holstein parlor free stall cows. Sale includes 175 Holstein Dairy Cows with a few Swiss and Swiss cross from Ed Nowobielski, Thorp, WI; and 85 Holstein parlor free stall cows and spring heifers from Zeiset Family Farm, Charles City IA. Premier Livestock & Auctions LLC. Visit www.premierlivestockandauctions.com or call 715-229-2500 for full details. Located at N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI. Online bidders and buyers register at cattleusa.com. Call Premier Livestock & Auctions.
Noon – Cow Palace North Auction, N2454 Hwy 55, Kaukauna, WI. 70 high quality Holsteins selling. View full sale listings and information on Cow Palace.com. Conducted by Ron Roskopf, Cow Palace North 414-587-4402.
Noon – . Selling 70 Holstein cows, parlor milked, free stall adapted. Bred back with beef bull for past 2 years. DHIA test available on sale day with catalogue, cattle vet checked by Reedsville vet on sale day. No location listed yet. Equity Livestock Reedsville, 920-754-4361 or www.equitycoop.com.
10:00 AM – Hay sale followed by dairy cows at 11 AM. Complete herd dispersal #1: 40 tiestall cows. Dispersal #2: 22 Jersey & 2 Holstein tiestall cows and several springing heifers. Dispersal #3: 30 Holstein tiestall cows. Watch sale online at www.cattleusa.com. Sale location: Oberholtzer Dary Cattle & Auction Co., W1461 Hwy 98, Loyal, WI.
The George & June Schaaf Tractor & Truck Museum, all offered at no reserve:1969 Ford County 754, 1974 International 1066 Wheatland, McCormick-Deering I-4 Roller, 1970 Lamborghini R240 and more. To see full listing visit www.mecum.com, Mecum Auctions, 262-275-5050.
10:00 AM – Complete shop liquidation for KNT Fabrication. The sale includes shop tools, vehicles and more. Visit www.yoapandyoap.com for full listings and sale information. Sale located at 11177 County A, Suring, WI. Yoap & Yoap Auction & Real Estate 920-604-1704.
Noon – Farm Machinery Sale includes forage equipment, spreaders, trailers, feed wagons, calf hutches and more. Items being added daily. Consignments accepted until Sept. 29 at 4 PM. Equity Livestock Reedsville call 920-754-4361 or visit www.equitycoop.com to see complete listing. No location listed.
9:30 AM – Bob & Kate Guelig auction. Sale includes brewery items, stoneware, auto and airplane memorabilia, antiques, collectibles and more. Visit www.ritgerdrendel.com for photos and complete listing and sale terms. Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialists: Rod 920-960-7777 and Dan 414-333-8625. Sale location: 321 Fond du Lac Ave., Eden, WI.
The George & June Schaaf Tractor & Truck Museum, all offered at no reserve:1969 Ford County 754, 1974 International 1066 Wheatland, McCormick-Deering I-4 Roller, 1970 Lamborghini R240 and more. To see full listing visit www.mecum.com, Mecum Auctions, 262-275-5050.
9:30 AM – Ronald Weix Living Estate Auction. Sale include tractors, equipment, shop tools, antiques, blacksmith tools, generator, mower, table saws, grinder, pneumatic tools, vintage items and more. Visit www.auctionsbyobrien.com for pictures and info. Inspection date and time will be posted on the website. Located at 1825 Mayfield Rd., Richfield, WI. Auctioneer John O’Brien, 920-960-0685.
10:00 AM – Gary Schumacher Estate, IH Tractor, equipment and farm toy auction. Sale includes farm machinery, farm related equipment, lumber equipment, primitives, shop equipment, vehicles, and much more. For a complete listing and photos visit www.auctionzip.com/Listings/3709422.html. Located at 3236 Eddie Rd., Winnebago, IL.
10:00 AM – Edwin & Charlotte Nelson Trust. Sale includes skid tractors, zero turn lawn mower, pickup truck, farm equipment, shop equipment & tools and more. Location: 2279 County BN, Stoughton, WI. For listing and photos visit www.georgeauction.com.
10:00 AM – Milwaukee County vehicles and equipment sale. Includes large trucks, heavy equipment, vehicles, weed cutter, loader tractor, woodchippers, boom lift, lawnmowers and more. Located at 10320 W Watertown Plank Rd., Milwaukee, WI, Auction Associates Inc, 920-748-3002. Visit www.auctionassociatesinc.com.
10:00 AM – Gun Auction at Yoap’s Auction Gallery. For full listings and info. visit www.yoapandyoap.com. Auction located at 6234 Duame Rd., Lena, WI.Yoap & Yoap Auction & Real Estate, (920) 604-1704.
John Deere tractors, haying equipment and other farm items. Featured items include a variety of John Deere tractors, balers, seeders, blowers, and more. Online bidding ends Oct. 4. Open House 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM, Mon. Oct. 3, at 1591 310th St., Glenwood City, WI.. Bid now at Hansenauctiongroup.com. Hansen Auction Group.Call 715-265-4656 for more info.
Charles Wayne Emerson Estate. Bidding ends Tues., Oct. 4 at 10 AM. Location is 310 Old Hwy 16 E, Rio, WI. Preview: Mon., Oct. 3 from 11 AM to 1 PM. Items include Semi tractor; trailers/forklift/crane; tool related/garage items; trucking related items. For full listing and online bidding visit www.gavinbros.com.
Call to consign your bred beef cows and feeder cattle on our customer appreciation day. No start time listed. N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI. Online bidders and buyers register at cattleusa.com. Premier Livestock & Auctions, LLC, call 715-559-8232 for more details.
Advance notice: Special dairy and heifer sale. 56 cow complete dispersal. 48 Holsteins, 4 Red and White Holstein/Milking Shorthorn cross, 2 Jersey/Holstein cross and 2 Swiss/Holstein cross. Also, several Red and Whites. Note: Entire herd sells first. Terry & Don Beyer, Elmwood, WI. 715-495-0045.
Bob’s Auction Service, Inc-Fall Consignment Auction. Now accepting consignments of tractors, farm/livestock equipment, building materials, lawn & garden, and rec vehicles. No motor vehicles or tires. Visit www.colbob.com for info, pictures & online bidding. Call 920-210-5278 to consign. Sale location is W9663 County S Beaver Dam, WI.
10:00 AM – Special sheep and goat auctions – Fall Round Up. Premier Livestock & Auctions, LLC N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI. Office 715-559-8232. Online bidders and buyers register at cattleusa.com. Visit www.premierlivestockandauctions.com.
Ed & Betty Streff Estate Auction, selling small family farm equipment, farm primitives and several nice additions from a 2nd local estate. No sale address or start time listed. Miller ’N Co. Auctions & Appraisals, LLC. Call Gregg Miller at 920-980-4999 or 980-4995.
Harvest wrap-up consignment auction, proceeds to benefit Outagamie County Fair. Held at Outagamie County Fairgrounds, 637 N. Main St., Seymour, WI. To consign and terms, call 920-391-1593. Miller ’N Co. Auctions & Appraisals, LLC. Call Gregg Miller at 920-980-4999 or 980-4995.
10:00 AM – Special sheep and goat auctions – Holiday Special. Premium prices paid for lambs 40-70; kids 45-65. Premier Livestock & Auctions, LLC N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI. Office 715-559-8232. Online bidders and buyers register at cattleusa.com. Visit www.premierlivestockandauctions.com.