McKinley Park News - U.S. EPA Issues Letter Mandating Emissions Measures at SIMS Metal Shredder

2022-05-13 22:11:11 By : Mr. TEYES Factory

News and events for Chicago's McKinley Park neighborhood

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a letter under Section 114(a) of the Clean Air Act for SIMS Metal Management, a metal shredding company in the Pilsen neighborhood adjacent to the McKinley Park Community Area.

In the letter, the U.S. EPA spells out measures that the business, at 2500 S. Paulina St., Chicago, must now take within set time periods in order to comply. This includes submission of a monitoring plan within 30 days, and within 60 days, continuous emissions monitoring that meets U.S. EPA standards for review, approval, access and ongoing monitoring.

"We are requesting this information to determine whether your emission source is complying with the Clean Air Act and Illinois State Implementation Plan," the letter from U.S. EPA Division Director Michael Harris said.

As previously reported here in the McKinley Park News, SIMS has been under scrutiny as it seeks a renewal of its state operating permit, including a community meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, at St. Paul Catholic Church, 2127 W. 22nd Place, Chicago.

The U.S. EPA letter establishes monitoring standards for PM10-sized particulate matter: airborne particles 10 microns across, or about the size of dust, pollen and mold particles. The letter also lists dozens of chemical compounds monitoring must catch, as well as environment information like wind direction.

"We may use any information submitted in response to this request in an administrative, civil or criminal action," the letter said.

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